Thursday, January 30, 2014

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Support an End to Greyhound Racing in Iowa

There's growing support among lawmakers and business leaders in Iowa to shut down the only two greyhound racetracks operating in the state, which are only still going because they're getting $14 million a year in subsidies from casinos. Unfortunately, state law currently forces the casinos to use slot machine profits to operate tracks and keep purses big. 

Please sign the petition urging Iowa's lawmakers to join the 38 other states that have shut greyhound racing down by supporting legislation that will close these tracks for good.

2. Tell New Hampshire Not to Silence Whistleblowers

The New Hampshire legislature is considering a bill that will require people to report animal abuse within 24 hours. This will make it impossible for undercover investigators to collect evidence and expose ongoing problems. 

Please sign the petition asking New Hampshire's lawmakers not to shield agribusinesses from transparency and accountability.

3. Demand Safer Pet Food

By some estimates, there's a pet food recall every 11 minutes which poses an entirely unacceptable risk to our cherished pets, in addition to people who handle contaminated food. Unfortunately, the FDA is set up to react to problems, not to prevent bad food from hitting the market. 

Please sign the petition urging the FDA to enact stronger pet food manufacturing safety regulations that are similar to the ones used for people.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help Keep Horse Slaughter Out of the U.S. Forever

Last Friday President Obama signed a budget measure that forbids the USDA from using federal funds to inspect horse meat, in addition to blocking companies for paying for their own inspections – effectively banning horse slaughter in the U.S. However, the ban is only good for duration of the bill and America's horses will still be headed across the border for slaughter in Canada and Mexico.

Please sign the petition urging your representative to co-sponsor the SAFE Act, which will permanently ban horse slaughter in the U.S. and ensure that horses are not shipped across the border to be killed.

2. Help Stop Breed Discrimination in Oregon

A potential breed ban in Medford, Ore., has divided residents and ignited debate about whether banning pit bulls will do anything to improve safety in their community. Pit bull advocates have stepped up to urge the City Council not to unfairly target a breed based solely on looks. 

Please sign and share the petition urging the City Council to focus on irresponsible owners and adopt alternative measures, such as public education about dog behavior and bite prevention.

3. Urge Indonesia to Protect Orangutans and the Leuser Ecosystem

For orangutans, efforts to protect the Leuser Ecosystem could be their only hope for survival. Their population continues to dwindle as they continue to face threats from deforestation, habitat fragmentation, the pet trade and being killed as pests. Now the government is considering a proposal that would allow further development of habitat that is critical to their future, and the future survival of other endangered species including rhinos, tigers and elephants. 

Please sign the petition urging the governor of Aceh to support World Heritage Status for the Leuser Ecosystem, which will help conserve biodiversity and protect local communities.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

ANiMAL MUNDi: Poodle Moth - Fact or Fiction by Corinna of TheFrogBag

by Corinna of TheFrogBag
Photos courtesy of

Poodle Moth
Fact or Fiction ?

Have you seen the super cute, amazingly fuzzy, big-eared white moth that keeps popping up on social media? 

Here’s the most common photo that’s been making the rounds:

Sharp-eyed crafters probably won’t be surprised to learn that this beast is not a real, wild-caught example of a little-known species, but in fact is a needle-felted “model” of a silkworm moth, according to Snopes. 

So is there actually such a creature as a “poodle moth”? Happily, yes! It’s not quite as cute and cuddly though, looking more like a weird little alien than a poodle:

Very little is known about actual poodle moths. The species is new (or at least new to science), only having been discovered in 2009 by Dr. Arthur Anker in Venezuela. It’s probably a member of the genus Artace, and there may be several closely related species. Chances are that it’s confined to the neotropics, eats herbaceous plants at some point during its life cycle, and is related to the muslin moth. Its wingspan is only about an inch, nowhere near the size of its needle-felted doppelganger. 

Why is so little known about it? 

Like many small, jungle-dwelling species it is incredibly hard to find and has seemingly only been photographed once. That one source is quite reliable though so chances are that there are more poodle moths out there, waiting for their chance in the limelight. 

Meanwhile, it’s pretty hard to study an animal that can’t be found so a proper scientific name and a catalogue of its habits and preferred habitats will have to wait. Until then, let’s give proper credit to the creator of the lovely critter in the first photo, and marvel at the strange animal in the second. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fostering Coexistence by Project Coyote, our January COTM

Fostering Coexistence 
Part Two
by Project Coyote

COTM nominated by Veronica of ScrappyRat
Text reproduced with permission
copyright: Project Coyote

Help keep coyotes wild ! 
Look around... 
what unnatural food sources 
may you be offering wildlife? 
A fed coyote is a dead coyote.

Food: Coyotes eat a wide variety of food, and like most animals, prefer food that is easiest to obtain. They are true omnivores, and will eat a wide variety of foods, including rodents, rabbits, insects, lizards, snakes, vegetables, and fruits. They will also take advantage of unsecured garbage and pet food left outdoors. As scavengers, they provide an ecological service by helping to keep our communities clean of carrion. In suburbia, coyotes have been known to take smaller pets if left unprotected. Animal guardians are advised to keep cats indoors, and dogs under control during the day and indoors at night.

Habits: In rural habitats, coyotes hunt by day and night. In urban areas, coyotes appear to be more nocturnal but can often be seen during daylight hours, especially at dawn and dusk. They communicate by vocalizing, scent marking and through a variety of body displays. It is common to hear them howling and yipping at night, or even during the day in response to sirens and other loud noises. Indeed, the coyote’s scientific name is Canis latrans which means “barking dog.” With approximately a dozen different vocalizations, it is common to mistake a few coyotes communicating with each other for a large group. Coyotes are fast and agile; they can run at speeds of 25-40 mph (65 km/h) and jump 6 feet. Coyotes are also highly intelligent and social animals; they learn quickly and are devoted parents.

Life history: Coyotes may live as solitary individuals, in pairs, or in small family groups, both in rural and urban areas. Coyotes are generally monogamous, with pair bonds frequently lasting for many years, and some for life. Both male and female coyotes actively maintain territories that may vary in size from 2 to 30 square miles. Reproduction is generally once per year and limited to the group’s leaders, while other females remain behaviorally sterile. Breeding season peaks in mid February, followed by 4-8 pups born in a den in April or May. Pup mortality is high, with an average of 50-70% dying within their first year. Some juveniles disperse in late fall to seek new territory, and some individuals remain with their parents and form the basis of the pack.

If coyotes are left to self-regulate, generally one litter of pups per year are born with 30-50% of pups surviving. Coyotes become more active, vocal, and territorial during mating and pupping seasons. Pay particular attention to your companion animals’ safety during these times and do not let them roam. 

Coyote Life Cycle
Dec-Jan-Feb: Breeding Activity
Feb-March-April: Den Site Selection
Apr-May: Birthing
May-June-July: Raising Pups
July-Aug-Sept-Oct: Expanding home range
Oct to Dec: Dispersal of pups

Keeping Domestic Animals Safe: Although free roaming pets are more likely to be killed by automobiles than by wild animals, coyotes may view cats and small dogs as potential prey and larger dogs as competition. Other domestic animals including sheep, chickens and rabbits may also be seen as food and must be protected. Consider the following:

• Don’t let domestic animals roam; keep them securely enclosed and protected at night.

• Fence your property. The fence must be at least 6 feet tall with the bottom extending at least 6 inches below the ground. Fences are more effective by using wire mesh, outwardly inverting the top of the fence, by using electric fencing along the top and bottom (more strands for protecting livestock), or by installing the CoyoteRollerTM which makes it difficult for predators to gain the “foothold” they need to pull up and over the top of an enclosure (see:

• Llamas, donkeys, and livestock guard dogs are effective in reducing coyote-livestock conflicts.

• Don’t leave animal foods outside; keep all food well secured.

• Install motion-sensor lights near buildings.

• Walk dogs on leashes, particularly during coyote mating and pupping seasons.

• Spay or neuter your dogs. Though uncommon, coyotes are attracted to, and can mate with, dogs.

Livestock guard animals can effectively reduce or eliminate coyote conflicts on farms and ranches.

Coyote Encounters: Coyotes are usually wary of people and will avoid us whenever possible. Bold behavior is unusual and is most often a result of habituation due to intentional or unintentional feeding, the presence of a dog, or the coyote defending a den and young. Rabies is rare and coyotes are not commonly implicated in the transmission of the disease to humans or domestic animals.

If you encounter a coyote, remember the following:

* Never feed or try to “tame” a coyote; appreciate coyotes from a distance. 

* Walk dogs on leashes; pickup small dogs if a coyote is near. 

* If approached, be BIG and LOUD. You can also scare the animal by blowing a whistle, shaking a can with coins inside, popping open an umbrella, or throwing objects (toward but not at the coyote). 

* Do not run from a coyote; calmly leave the area. 

Remember… Coexistence 
takes active neighborhood effort ! 

Project Coyote

Project Coyote is a North American coalition of wildlife scientists and educators promoting active coexistence between people and wildlife, and compassionate conservation through education, science, and advocacy. 

We champion progressive management policies that reduce human- coyote conflict, support and contribute to innovative scientific research, and help foster respect for and understanding of North America’s native “Song Dog”.

Coyotes are a healthy component of our rural and urban communities. By helping to shift attitudes toward coyotes and other native carnivores, we help replace fear and ignorance with empowerment and appreciation.

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help Stop Another Coyote Killing Contest

Project Coyote and other animal advocates have taken up the fight against another despicable coyote killing contest that's scheduled to take place this January 18-19 in Crane, Oregon.  These types of contests have no place in society and are an offensive, indefensible and reckless waste of life that are about nothing more than killing for fun and are only made worse by the fact that children are encouraged to participate. These types of contests also completely ignore the vital role that coyotes, and other predators, play in healthy ecosystems. 

Please speak up for Oregon's coyotes and send a letter to state officials urging them to cancel this contest.   

2. Stop Idaho's Wolf-Killing Bounty Hunter

Since wolves lost protection in Idaho, hundreds have been killed and more lives are on the line with the state's decision to send a bounty hunter out to kill two entire wolf packs. Not only has Idaho shown it's callousness towards predators with a killing contest of its own last month, but has also shown that it's not capable of managing wolves fairly at the expense of taxpayers who want the bloodshed to stop. 

Please send a letter to the U.S. Forest Service and Idaho's Department of Fish and Game telling them to call off their hired assassin.

3. Help Protect Washington's Wolves from Wildlife Services

The agency responsible for killing an estimated 3 million animals every year has its sights set on Washington's wolves. Despite non-lethal alternatives to dealing with wolf conflicts, Wildlife Services intends to go after wolves in the state at the behest of ranchers as it faces tougher public scrutiny and is investigated by the USDA's Inspector General for animal cruelty and misconduct. 

Please send a letter to the USDA asking it to keep Wildlife Services away from Washington's wolves.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January's COTM is Project Coyote !

COTM is…. 

nominated by Veronica of ScrappyRat
Text reproduced with permission
copyright: Project Coyote


MiSSiON: Project Coyote is a North American coalition of wildlife scientists and educators promoting active coexistence between people and wildlife, and compassionate conservation through education, science, and advocacy. We champion progressive management policies that reduce human- coyote conflict, support and contribute to innovative scientific research, and help foster respect for and understanding of North America’s native “Song Dog”.

Coyotes are a healthy component of our rural and urban communities. By helping to shift attitudes toward coyotes and other native carnivores, we help replace fear and ignorance with empowerment and appreciation. Project Coyote offers a variety of educational outreach programs; contact us at or visit our website at Please join our growing community of educated citizens by becoming a member. 

Project Coyote is a sponsored project of Earth Island Institute, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that supports solutions to protect our shared planet.

Copyright Sam Parks Photography


Two hundred years of costly persecution has not eliminated the resilient coyote from our landscape. In fact, coyotes have expanded their range two to threefold since the 1850s, largely in response to human changes to the environment and the eradication of wolves. 

Coyotes have adapted to living close to people and now inhabit even the most densely populated metropolitan cities from Boston to San Francisco, Austin, and Seattle. Estimates are that 2,000 coyotes are on self-appointed “rat patrol” in the Chicago metropolitan area.

At least 19 subspecies of coyote roam North and Central America, from California to Newfoundland and Alaska to Panama, occupying a broad range of habitats. Coyotes play an important ecological role helping to maintain healthy ecosystems and species diversity. As the top carnivore in some ecosystems, coyotes help regulate the number of mesocarnivores (such as skunks, raccoons, and foxes) which helps to boost biodiversity.

Western coyotes typically weigh 18 to 30 pounds and look similar to a small Shepherd or collie-type dog but have longer, denser fur and pointed, erect ears. Coyotes have a long, bushy, black-tipped tail that is usually carried pointed down. Their eastern counterparts may be larger, averaging 35-55 pounds, which is believed to be a result of interbreeding with wolves 50-70 years ago. Coyotes are usually grayish brown with reddish tinges behind the ears and around the face, but coloration can vary from silver-gray to black.

Copyright Sam Parks Photography


The very traits that have allowed coyotes to thrive, adapt, and coexist with people even in the most populated regions of North America have also led to conflicts with us and our domestic animals. Most coyotes fear people. However, those who associate people with food may become habituated to our presence. The abundance of food, water, and shelter offered by urban landscapes—coupled with unsecured garbage, unfenced gardens, and unattended domestic animals—can lead to conflicts. Documented cases of coyotes injuring people are very rare and most often related to people intentionally or unintentionally feeding them. 

Original Coyote Painting
by KneeDeepOriginals
(sale benefits COTM)


Historically, our society has attempted to solve human-coyote conflicts through killing. However, despite decades of poisoning, trapping, and shooting coyotes, there are more coyotes in North America today. Why?

The coyote’s remarkable success appears to be closely related to human attempts to control their populations. As with many wild species, coyote populations are naturally regulated by available food and habitat. Lethal control, however, can disrupt the group hierarchy, allowing more coyotes to reproduce, encouraging larger litter sizes because of decreased competition for food and habitat, and increasing pup survival rates. It is also highly likely that lethal control favors the survival of the most resilient and genetically robust coyotes.

At least half a million coyotes are killed each year—one per minute—by federal, state and local governments and by private individuals in North America. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services program kills approximately 90,000 coyotes each year. Approximately one coyote is killed every minute of every day. Most of this killing is carried out in the name of “livestock protection” and is a taxpayer subsidy for agribusiness/ranchers.

Despite scientific evidence suggesting this approach is misguided and ultimately ineffective, the emphasis on lethal coyote control persists. Coyotes are also killed for their fur, for “sport,” and in “body-count” contests where prizes are awarded for killing the most coyotes. Most states set no limit on the number of coyotes that may be killed, nor do they regulate the killing methods.

Killing to reduce coyote populations or relocating individual coyotes is not recommended. Disruption of family groups can cause more coyotes to be born or increase pup survival rates; orphaned juveniles may act unpredictably and other coyotes will simply move into vacant areas.

Prowling Coyote Original Photograph
copyright Sue Klapholz
(Sale benefits COTM)


Urban landscapes offer an abundance of food, water, and shelter for coyotes. Take the following steps to prevent coyotes from being attracted to your home.

• Wildlife-proof garbage in sturdy containers with tight fitting lids.

• Don’t leave pet food outside.

• Take out trash the morning pick up is scheduled.

• Keep compost in secure containers.

• Keep fallen fruit off the ground. Coyotes eat fruit.

• Keep birdseed off the ground; seeds attract rodents which then attract coyotes. Remove feeders if coyotes are seen in your yard.

• Keep barbecue grills clean.

• Eliminate accessible water sources.

• Clear away brush and dense weeds near buildings.

• Close off crawl spaces under decks and around buildings where coyotes may den.

• If you frequently see a coyote in your yard… always keeping eye contact & waving your arms over your head... make loud noises with a pot or a pan or an air horn (alternatively one can haze the coyote with a water hose) and continue to do so until they have completely gone away. The idea is to scare and discourage the coyote from settling into human habitat.

• Share this list with your neighbors; coexistence is a neighborhood effort.

Help keep coyotes wild ! 
Look around 
what unnatural food sources 
may you be offering wildlife? 
A fed coyote is a dead coyote.

Tune-in next week for part two...

Project Coyote

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(N.B: if you visit Project Coyote's website- 
you will find that there are some graphic images 
which sensitive folks will find disturbing.)

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Wednesday, January 08, 2014

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Save Thousands of Prairie Dogs from Being Poisoned

Animal advocates are urging the U.S. Forest Service to abandon its plan to poison thousands of prairie dogs in Wyoming's Thunder Basin National Grassland. Not only are prairie dogs a keystone species who help others survive, but using poison is a sickeningly cruel management approach that also poses a threat to other species. 

Please sign the petition asking the USFS to adopt humane, non-lethal alternatives to manage prairie dogs.

2. Help Stop the Dolphin Massacre in Peru

Fishermen in Peru have been slaughtering use as bait to catch sharks. Dolphin hunting is illegal, but the laws aren't enforced and an estimated 15,000 dolphins are being killed every year. 

Please sign the petition demanding the government enforce the laws to protect marine life, before it's too late.

3. Help Protect Wolves in Idaho

As if Idaho's post-holiday predator killing contest wasn't bad enough, the state's Department of Fish and Game has sent a hit man into the woods to destroy two wolf packs in a designated Wilderness Area, which is against the U.S. Forest Service's predator policy. 

Please send a letter to USFS asking that Idaho is immediately prohibited from killing wolves in national forest lands.


Wednesday, January 01, 2014

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER: ViCTORiES 2013 by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Another year has passed and while stories about animals in need of help and protection continue to spread, there have been many victories worthy of celebration in 2013, thanks to the tireless work of animal advocates from around the world who continue to speak up and take action on behalf of our furry, feathered and finned friends. 

Pets and Captive Wild Animals

Dutch the service dog was saved from euthanasia and returned home after biting a woman who beat him with a metal pole. Dutch was declared "vicious," but more than 308,000 people signed the petition calling out the label and asking for him to get a second chance after his owner asked for the public's help. 

Columbia banned wild animals in circuses. 

More than 350 dogs got a second chance after being rescued from what's believed to have been the second largest dog fighting bust in U.S. history. 

El Salvador banned wild animals in circuses. 

The USDA cracked down on puppy mills with new regulations that will require breeders who sell pets online and directly to the public to get a license and consent to inspections. 

The Toronto Zoo's three elephants were rescued and moved to the Performing Animals Welfare Society (PAWS) where they'll live out their days in warmth and peace. 

India banned wild animals in circuses. 

The White House came out with an official statement against breed discrimination and Breed Specific Legislation. 

More cities banned the retail sale of pets from breeders in pet stores, including San Diego and Burbank, CA, Phoenix, AZ, Toledo, OH, North Brunswick, Hoboken and Oceanport, NJ, Pinecrest, Palmetto Bay and Margate, FL and Kingston, ON. 
Belgium banned wild animals in circuses. 

Michigan passed the toughest dog fighting legislation in the U.S., with convictions carrying penalties of up to 20 years in jail and fines of $100,000. 

China’s largest producer of bear bile extract withdrew its application to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and stopped plans to triple its production after outcry from Chinese citizens.

Texas banned gas chamber euthanasia. 

Los Angeles banned the use of bullhooks on circus elephants. 

West Hollywood banned the use of wild and exotic species in commercial displays and performances.

Oregon banned horse tripping at rodeos.  

Arkansas, Arizona and Texas increased maximum dog track suspensions and fines, while a greyhound injury reporting requirement was passed in Arizona and West Virginia agreed to a new cruelty policy that will crack down on abuse. 

Lawmakers in NYC voted unanimously to create a registry of animal abusers. 

The Nonhuman Rights Project filed the first of many groundbreaking lawsuits seeking to demolish the legal wall that separates humans from nonhuman animals. 

Farm Animals 

Ag gag laws were pushed in 11 states and defeated in all of them.  

California court upheld its foie gras ban. UK banned foie gras. 

A number of major food companies said no to gestation crates. Now more than 60 of the largest food companies are demanding more humane alternatives in their pork supply chains.
Coleman Company, an outdoor gear store, announced it will ban down and use only synthetic alternatives. 
India sets the stage to ban battery cages for egg-laying hens. 

In an unprecedented adventure, 1,150 rescued battery hens were flown across the country in a private jet from California to New York where they were taken in by nine rescues and sanctuaries that promised to offer them permanent homes or adopt them out as pets.  


California became the first state in the nation to ban lead ammunition, which will help protect endangered California condors and other wild animals from lead poisoning. 

The World Trade Organization upheld the European Union's ban on Canadian seal products, which was a major victory for seals and for our right to oppose products that we believe are cruel and unsustainable. 

NYC airports stopped killing snowy owls and vowed to adopt humane non-lethal alternatives to keep travelers safe. 

Though they're still in danger, gray wolves garnered  more than 1 million comments in favor of keeping them protected under the Endangered Species Act – the largest number of comments ever submitted on a federal decision involving endangered species. 

The European Union closed loopholes in its laws that effectively banned all shark finning. 

Following a legal battle, Puget Sound's southern resident orca whales will stay protected under the Endangered Species Act.  

Blue whale habitat was protected from oil exploration off the coast of Australia. 

The United Nations declared March 3 as World Wildlife Day. 

India banned shark finning.  

NOAA blocked the Georgia Aquarium's plan to import of 18 wild-caught beluga whales from Russia. 

Etsy banned endangered animal products. 

Manta rays and five species of sharks were listed under Appendix II of CITES, which will protect them from international trade. 

India banned dolphinariums.

A lawsuit led to a landmark agreement with the Obama Administration and the oil industry to protect marine mammals in the Gulf of Mexico from seismic airguns, which are used in oil and gas exploration.

Polar bears in the U.S. kept their protection as a threatened species. 

The second herd of genetically pure bison was reintroduced to the Great Plains in Montana. 

Bobcats at Joshua Tree National Park got some protection from trappers. 

Animal Testing

The European Union banned animal testing for cosmetics. 

India banned animal testing for cosmetics.

Israel banned animal testing for cosmetics. 

Harvard University announced it will shut down the troubled New England Primate Research Center (NEPRC) by 2015. 

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that most of the research chimpanzees that it owns have been “designated for retirement to the federal sanctuary system" and the Chimp Act Amendments were signed into law, which will restore funding needed for their retirement care. 

Thousands of owl monkeys in the Amazon were spared from research when their capture from the wild was banned. 

Plans for another beagle breeding facility were stopped in the UK, thanks in part to international outcry. 

China announced changes to its rules that require animal testing for cosmetics, which could eliminate a huge barrier for ethical companies who want to expand there.  

Researchers at Newcastle University developed a lab-grown, skin-testing model for chemicals, drugs, and cosmetics called Skimune, while researchers elsewhere made advances that could replace animals in labs using organ chips and 3D printing, among other things. 

The Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS), the only military medical school in the U.S., announced it will stop using live animals in its training programs. 

Connecticut passed a law that will allow students to opt out of dissections and requires schools to provide them with an alternative. 

Philippine Airlines and United Airlines stop shipping primates for research

ANiMALS iN 2014