Thursday, January 30, 2014

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Support an End to Greyhound Racing in Iowa

There's growing support among lawmakers and business leaders in Iowa to shut down the only two greyhound racetracks operating in the state, which are only still going because they're getting $14 million a year in subsidies from casinos. Unfortunately, state law currently forces the casinos to use slot machine profits to operate tracks and keep purses big. 

Please sign the petition urging Iowa's lawmakers to join the 38 other states that have shut greyhound racing down by supporting legislation that will close these tracks for good.

2. Tell New Hampshire Not to Silence Whistleblowers

The New Hampshire legislature is considering a bill that will require people to report animal abuse within 24 hours. This will make it impossible for undercover investigators to collect evidence and expose ongoing problems. 

Please sign the petition asking New Hampshire's lawmakers not to shield agribusinesses from transparency and accountability.

3. Demand Safer Pet Food

By some estimates, there's a pet food recall every 11 minutes which poses an entirely unacceptable risk to our cherished pets, in addition to people who handle contaminated food. Unfortunately, the FDA is set up to react to problems, not to prevent bad food from hitting the market. 

Please sign the petition urging the FDA to enact stronger pet food manufacturing safety regulations that are similar to the ones used for people.


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