Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fostering Coexistence by Project Coyote, our January COTM

Fostering Coexistence 
Part Two
by Project Coyote

COTM nominated by Veronica of ScrappyRat
Text reproduced with permission
copyright: Project Coyote

Help keep coyotes wild ! 
Look around... 
what unnatural food sources 
may you be offering wildlife? 
A fed coyote is a dead coyote.

Food: Coyotes eat a wide variety of food, and like most animals, prefer food that is easiest to obtain. They are true omnivores, and will eat a wide variety of foods, including rodents, rabbits, insects, lizards, snakes, vegetables, and fruits. They will also take advantage of unsecured garbage and pet food left outdoors. As scavengers, they provide an ecological service by helping to keep our communities clean of carrion. In suburbia, coyotes have been known to take smaller pets if left unprotected. Animal guardians are advised to keep cats indoors, and dogs under control during the day and indoors at night.

Habits: In rural habitats, coyotes hunt by day and night. In urban areas, coyotes appear to be more nocturnal but can often be seen during daylight hours, especially at dawn and dusk. They communicate by vocalizing, scent marking and through a variety of body displays. It is common to hear them howling and yipping at night, or even during the day in response to sirens and other loud noises. Indeed, the coyote’s scientific name is Canis latrans which means “barking dog.” With approximately a dozen different vocalizations, it is common to mistake a few coyotes communicating with each other for a large group. Coyotes are fast and agile; they can run at speeds of 25-40 mph (65 km/h) and jump 6 feet. Coyotes are also highly intelligent and social animals; they learn quickly and are devoted parents.

Life history: Coyotes may live as solitary individuals, in pairs, or in small family groups, both in rural and urban areas. Coyotes are generally monogamous, with pair bonds frequently lasting for many years, and some for life. Both male and female coyotes actively maintain territories that may vary in size from 2 to 30 square miles. Reproduction is generally once per year and limited to the group’s leaders, while other females remain behaviorally sterile. Breeding season peaks in mid February, followed by 4-8 pups born in a den in April or May. Pup mortality is high, with an average of 50-70% dying within their first year. Some juveniles disperse in late fall to seek new territory, and some individuals remain with their parents and form the basis of the pack.

If coyotes are left to self-regulate, generally one litter of pups per year are born with 30-50% of pups surviving. Coyotes become more active, vocal, and territorial during mating and pupping seasons. Pay particular attention to your companion animals’ safety during these times and do not let them roam. 

Coyote Life Cycle
Dec-Jan-Feb: Breeding Activity
Feb-March-April: Den Site Selection
Apr-May: Birthing
May-June-July: Raising Pups
July-Aug-Sept-Oct: Expanding home range
Oct to Dec: Dispersal of pups

Keeping Domestic Animals Safe: Although free roaming pets are more likely to be killed by automobiles than by wild animals, coyotes may view cats and small dogs as potential prey and larger dogs as competition. Other domestic animals including sheep, chickens and rabbits may also be seen as food and must be protected. Consider the following:

• Don’t let domestic animals roam; keep them securely enclosed and protected at night.

• Fence your property. The fence must be at least 6 feet tall with the bottom extending at least 6 inches below the ground. Fences are more effective by using wire mesh, outwardly inverting the top of the fence, by using electric fencing along the top and bottom (more strands for protecting livestock), or by installing the CoyoteRollerTM which makes it difficult for predators to gain the “foothold” they need to pull up and over the top of an enclosure (see: www.coyoteroller.com).

• Llamas, donkeys, and livestock guard dogs are effective in reducing coyote-livestock conflicts.

• Don’t leave animal foods outside; keep all food well secured.

• Install motion-sensor lights near buildings.

• Walk dogs on leashes, particularly during coyote mating and pupping seasons.

• Spay or neuter your dogs. Though uncommon, coyotes are attracted to, and can mate with, dogs.

Livestock guard animals can effectively reduce or eliminate coyote conflicts on farms and ranches.

Coyote Encounters: Coyotes are usually wary of people and will avoid us whenever possible. Bold behavior is unusual and is most often a result of habituation due to intentional or unintentional feeding, the presence of a dog, or the coyote defending a den and young. Rabies is rare and coyotes are not commonly implicated in the transmission of the disease to humans or domestic animals.

If you encounter a coyote, remember the following:

* Never feed or try to “tame” a coyote; appreciate coyotes from a distance. 

* Walk dogs on leashes; pickup small dogs if a coyote is near. 

* If approached, be BIG and LOUD. You can also scare the animal by blowing a whistle, shaking a can with coins inside, popping open an umbrella, or throwing objects (toward but not at the coyote). 

* Do not run from a coyote; calmly leave the area. 

Remember… Coexistence 
takes active neighborhood effort ! 

Project Coyote

Project Coyote is a North American coalition of wildlife scientists and educators promoting active coexistence between people and wildlife, and compassionate conservation through education, science, and advocacy. 

We champion progressive management policies that reduce human- coyote conflict, support and contribute to innovative scientific research, and help foster respect for and understanding of North America’s native “Song Dog”.

Coyotes are a healthy component of our rural and urban communities. By helping to shift attitudes toward coyotes and other native carnivores, we help replace fear and ignorance with empowerment and appreciation.

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  1. Great information on these long-legged beauties! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great information on these long-legged beauties! Thanks for sharing.


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