Friday, November 26, 2010

EFA HOLIDAY GUiDE for Dogs & Dog Lovers... part two

EFA Holiday Gift Guide for Dogs and Dog Lovers Part II

A collaboration between Jane, Max & Molly

(thedoghouse), and Lisa & Sky (theanimalsmagicshop)

for the enjoyment of both dogs and humans !

Seasons greetings !

Siberian husky Sky here

to present some tail wagging gifts

for dogs and their people

made with love by EFA members.

Although we animals don't recommend giving us

as surprise gifts around the holidays,

we do love receiving surprises

like the ones pictured here.

Oh, and did I mention that

purchasing from these shops

also helps support animal charities ?

Woohoo !

Ok, let's get to the stuff -

hope I do as good a job

as Jane, Max and Molly did with Part I !

Here's rescue dog James Dean, a rebel pug with a cause, modeling a very cool looking hat specially designed to keep a dog's head cozy and warm. JD works with his person to promote positive attitudes towards dogs and positively rocks with attitude in this Pugkin !

Jessica says:

I am a college student who spends my spare time walking dogs at the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and promoting positive attitudes towards animals through my shop and blog. I donate to the MSPCA or The Pug Rescue of New England and support them in many other ways. I also just joined the "Fabulous Animal Rescue Project" on Etsy. I find that as time goes on I fall more and more in love with animals and can't help but to give them as much of myself as I can possibly spare.

The special thing about Michele's animal art is that is has soul ! To me, the colors of the aura around this dog signify a spirit who performed extraordinary acts of love while on earth and is now a guardian angel. All animals would like to be seen as Michele sees us.

Michele says:

I help animals by running Etsy for Animals, raising money for the various charities of the month, through my own shop sales, and by working with/promoting the team. We have two adopted kitties, Moses and Tala, I am a strong believer in spay/neuter and animal adoption/rescue. I also donate items to help animal charity fundraisers, including Vegan Craft Samples.

My photo is of me (6 months pregnant with our first baby, a boy!) and Whiskey, the amazing, adorable, special Golden Retriever/Labrador mix we fostered, raised andtrained for a year for the Israel Guide Dog Center for the Blind. We love him so much and are so proud of him. He is now 20 months old and is helping a blind Israeli man and living with him and his family, who adore him!"

Here to help you wrap your favorite fur baby in a pawsome soft blanket of love are Cairo the tiger and his person. Both are just as nice as they look and the blanket they're offering, with our EFA logo, is soft, warm and fluffy like Cairo's beautiful coat.

Renee says:

All of us have the potential to be nature's voice. We donate to various charities as each one contacts us requesting plus donate to the chosen EFA charity of the month. We often make items for a specific cause - this month we are making squeaker toys to benefit a lab rescue group. We encourage humane animal care, call attention to unacceptable practices that harm our beloved creatures and provide care for many animals in need from domestics to exotics.

Cairo, our white Bengal Tiger cub, is the animal ambassador, not only for Featuring Animals, but for exotics worldwide. His incredible personality and popularity allows us to promote education about exotics both in their natural habitat as well as in captivity.

This is Velvet the beagle endorsing her person's delicious treats which I personally appreciate since I have lots of food allergies. It's very difficult to find snacks for dogs like me and busy people don't have much time to bake themselves. This seller goes above and beyond to serve your dog - please be sure to check out all the selections !

Shari says:

" Foundation works with local animal shelters to save the lives of as many homeless animals as possible. Their website makes adoption easy and features hundreds of thousands of animals from over 12000 animal welfare organizations."

Next are pumi's Pocok and Juharka looking very happy knowing their person has their treats safety stored in a comfortable to wear and fashionable bag which had 3 additional thoughtful details to accommodate other necessities. I think this would make a great gift for a human too !

Virag says:

My animal charity work is done locally, because there is so much work to do in my country, Hungary. First, Hungarian buyers who adopt a dog from a dog rescue home always get a 10% discount on their buying. I regularly help individual doggies find a wonderful home by giving them publicity on my blog. Besides dogs, I help the Bogáncs Pumi Rescue Service (I have two pumis, so I am personally touched) in many ways.

And last, but not least, I transmit animal-caring, loving and respecting approaches on my blog with the purpose of changing ways of looking at animals and dogs in Hungary. My future plan is to set up a foundation for this activity, because it's really important and necessary."

Pawprints Advent Calendar

from TheDogHouse

Have you ever seen one of these for dogs before ? I haven't, but sure would like to - looks like there's something really tasty in those little bags ! Max , who is one of two rescued greyhounds who live with Jane is fascinated by this latest creation of his mom's and your dog will be too. Not to mention it would also make a beautiful decoration !

Jane says:

"Since adopting my first ex-racing greyhound, Max, I have become passionate about greyhound rescue. One just wasn't enough, & 6 months later we couldn't help but adopt Max a 'sister' greyhound, Molly, I love the pair of them to bits & they provide an inspiration for almost everything else I do in life! I work closely with Gracehounds as a dog walker, fosterer, and fundraiser through my shop.

I am also a supporter of Greyhound Action Scotland and the campaign to end greyhound racing. I am a member of Etsy team, Handmade4Hounds, a group of artists from around the globe who work together to raise money for sight hound rescue by the sale of our artwork, as well as, of course, EFA."

Colby the Vizsla is modeling a smart high fashion scarf and doesn't he look handsome ? I wouldn't mind having one myself and think it would look striking against any color coat. This comes in different sizes and because it's tied on, it will fit your dog's neck just right.

Laura says:

My charity is Lucky Dog Animal Rescue in the DC Metro area. They work with shelters in rural, high-kill areas to bring these highly adoptable, Lucky Dogs, to the DC area. As many as 60 dogs are transported into the area every month by volunteers, saving every one of them from euthanasia. The rescue does not have a facility of its own. The Lucky Dogs are placed in foster homes, with volunteers in Virginia, DC, and Maryland until they can find their forever home. I serve as a temporary, or weekend, foster home. I pick up a Lucky Dog from the transport van, give her a safe place to sleep, medicine, food, exercise, a much needed bath, and most importantly, my affection. She then goes to an adoption event, held every week at various locations around the area. The Lucky Dog either goes home with a pre-approved adopter, or gets transferred to a longer-term foster. I also raise funds for Lucky Dog through my shop.

Santa's Helper Labrador Christmas Holiday Cards

By Terikor

What a classic ! My mother wore reindeer antlers last year, along with the exact same expression as this dog. The things we dogs do to make our people smile! We sure would love to receive a card like this which could also be framed and enjoyed every season. Cori's family includes 4 Salukis, two of whom are pictured above. Aren't they elegant ?

Cori says:

"There are about 10 or so animal charities I donate to. Then there are the specific local charities I donate unused pet supplies and medications to. Through my pet column on,, I help local rescues by writing articles on cats/dogs that need forever homes. I also write about the success stories of special dogs or cats that have helped people as I did with the ASPCA Dog of the Year, Pearl who became a search and rescue dog, and helped save the lives of Earthquake victims in Haiti. Pearl's story also involves 2nd graders, who were raising funds to train another search and rescue dog at the National Search Dog Foundation, through their book, "A New Job for Pearl. I became so inspired by these childrens' determination that I wanted to help them achieve their goal through my articles about them.

Most dear to my heart are my Salukis, who bring me joy and unconditional love in addition to rounding out my life. I have been working with Stola, Saluki Tree of Life for many years in many different capacities and donate a percentage of my sales to them."

Thanks for viewing our gift guide !

Sending a big lick to Jane, Max and Molly
for being so much fun for us to work with
and 4 paws up to our featured
EFA team members for your dedication to animals !

Your friend, Sky

View Part One HERE !


  1. Always love to hear from you Sky !

    THANKS SO MUCH to Lisa & Sky... Jane, Max & Molly... for a fabulous EFA HOLIDAY GUIDE for dogs & dog lovers :)

    Happy Howl-idaze !

  2. LOVED reading part II - we think Sky & Lisa have done a pawsome job! - Jane, Max &

  3. What a great way to get to know more about Etsy for Animals Members! Such great, kind hearts in this group and great, wonderful art!

  4. What precious critters an lovely gifts


  5. there are so many wonderful items from fabulous EFA members! I especially love the Pawprints Advent Calendar. James Dean and I are thrilled to be a part of this gift guide :]

  6. What makes these shops extra special is the sellers behind them. They are all amazing artists who are totally dedicated to helping animals.

    We hope you will consider buying something from these shops or other shops tagged "team efa" and help make this holiday season a better one for animals in need.

    And please, please if you are thinking of adding a pet to your family, consider adopting from your local animal shelter after the festivities are over.

  7. Wonderful pics and stories. Love those dogs and cats of ours!

  8. Wonderful stories, beautiful animals and items, and inspiring EFA members!!! Thank you for featuring Whiskey n' me and to everyone!

  9. GREAT Choices part ll! Thanks for bringing us these stories also about our fellow artisans!

  10. These are such wonderful stories and pics!!!
    You did a really great job Lisa, Sky, and Jane!!


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