Friday, December 31, 2010

Thanks to Farm Sanctuary... 3 animal rescue stories

December's COTM: Farm Sanctuary
presented by Heather of thebluewindmill


When opportunity knocks, most people are compelled to answer … but when it comes in an unexpected form, it can cause quite a stir. Imagine the surprise Sacramento resident Tabitha Peralez felt when she heard a loud rap on her front door, and opened it to find a small, black and white goat standing right in front of her!

With a chewed off rope around his neck and fear in his eyes, the goat appeared to be on the lam from nowhere good and was hungry, thirsty and very exhausted. Lucky for the little guy, Tabitha seized the opportunity to help and took a series of actions that ultimately saved the animal’s life.”

Tabitha cared for her new resident by feeding him fresh veggies and grain, water, and letting him roam in her back yard, nibbling on trees and climbing patio furniture.

Reluctant to call local authorities who may not treat him humanely but knowing that she could not lawfully keep him, Tabitha eventually contacted “Sacramento City Animal Control to come pick him up and then reached out to Farm Sanctuary to help ensure that he found a loving home from there.”

Taken to Farm Sanctuary’s California shelter, he received the name of Justin after singer/songwriter Justin Young, who serenaded guests at Farm Sanctuary’s “Celebration FOR the turkeys”.

For now Justin resides at Farm Sanctuary’s hospital where he was treated with antibiotics for “fluid in his lungs”. Farm Sanctuary reports that he loves to eat “yummy hay” and can often be found napping in it as well, and can often be found “curled up in his large feed bowl”.

After his medical treatments, Justin will be integrated into the main goat herd and happily live out his days in roaming the green pastures of Farm Sanctuary!

For the full story and more pictures, visit:


Three calves were recently rescued by National Shelter Director Susie Coston.

Susie Coston reports, When I entered the stockyard to witness the live animal auction, I knew it would be disturbing and a terrible reminder of what happens each and every day to innocent farm animals.”

By-products of the dairy system, hundreds of calves were “frantically searching for their mothers”.

One of the newborns was a “downer” too sick to make it to the sorting area. No more than a few days old, the poor little calf had collapsed near the loading dock, filthy and shivering. It was less than 20 degrees outside and the barn wasn’t heated. But no one helped him.”

Susie Coston vowed to help this tiny calf as the auction started. She would find two more that she would rescue.

Terrorized, the calves are treated most inhumanely by being struck with wooden canes on their backs to get them into different pens. They are also shoved and prodded so that the potential buyers can get a better look.

Of the two additional calves rescued, One was especially frantic. He was very sick and his weak legs kept buckling under him as he made his way into the auction pen. The stockyard workers prodded him to try to get him to stand, but he could not.

The audience mocked him.“The buyers laughed even louder when they saw the other calf I would soon rescue. At just 37 lbs, this little one is literally the smallest calf I have ever seen. But what you and I see as a helpless baby in need, agribusiness deems worthless.

The bidding on both these calves went down to $0. The people called them ‘trash’.”

Fortunately, with the help of Susie Coston, these calves found a safe haven. These so-called “worthless” animals were rescued and “rushed” for “immediate veterinary care”.

For the full story, including a link to donate, visit:


Jay is a bull who was rescued by Farm Sanctuary in 2010 after he survived a truck crash.

Sirens, flashing lights and feelings of terror set the scene on an Indiana interstate early last month when a transport truck holding 34 cattle crashed into another vehicle and burst into flames. Of the traumatized survivors, several were found walking along the highway in a daze.” Some, severely injured, “lay helplessly on the ground, slowly dying from their injuries. Eighteen others didn’t even make it out of the wreck at all.”

Despite being traumatized and covered with “excruciatingly painful burns”, this 2-year-old Holstein bull ran for his life, leading “authorities on a 12-hour chase before finally being captured and taken to a local animal shelter. From there, with area citizens rallied behind him and pleading for his life, the bull was spared the fate of his fellow crash victims and relinquished to Farm Sanctuary instead”.

Farm Sanctuary reports, “Knowing that the bull was likely terrified, suffering and in desperate need of expert medical attention, our Emergency Rescue Team set off immediately to pick him up and transport him straight to the Cornell University Hospital for Animal’s state-of-the-art facilities in New York for emergency care. When he arrived, the terrified bull was in even worse shape than we imagined, so doctors swiftly started him on antibiotics, IV fluids and medications to manage his pain while devising a more long term care plan.”

Jay stayed at Cornell for a month where he received treatment for his “head to hoof” burns in a sterile environment. Farm Sanctuary stated, “During this time, we visited Jay to monitor his progress and were always happy to see that his tremendous spirit remained high.”

After further healing due to his high-quality medical care, Jay was transported to his permanent home at New York’s Farm Sanctuary, where he received topical treatments for his burns and was kept out of the sun for a few more months. “He loves nothing more than to run and buck like a young calf” and his energetic personality has come “shining through”.

Farm Sanctuary says, “Jay’s story has certainly not come to end, but it couldn’t have taken a happier turn – all thanks to Farm Sanctuary members and supporters who made everything from his rescue to his treatment at Cornell possible. The generosity of compassionate people who came to Jay’s aid in his most dire time of need helped save his precious life, and we are so thankful that so many people cared so much.”

For the full story and pictures, visit:


Please read THIS article !

Click HERE and HERE !



  1. Thanks Nicole! Looks Great! These are just a few of the many worthwhile animal rescues that Farm Sanctuary does!!
    So many noteworthy petitions to sign too!

  2. These are such happy endings! I loved them all though I must admit to being partial to goats since we had them for years. Such sweet gently animals. How anyone could abuse one is beyond me. Thanks for great reading and the hope provided by Farm Sanctuary!

  3. Inspiring stories and photos, thank you for including my Calf pin. Happy to know there are places like Farm Sanctuary for animals in need!


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