Friday, October 01, 2010

HOW TO TAG for EFA's COTM Program

In order to be able to promote Team EFA and its membership, please consider tagging as many of your products with our team identity tag.

Those EFA members who choose to donate a portion of their product sales to the EFA Charity of the Month, can tag those particular listings with our cotm tag instead.

Using these tags is the only way that other EFA members, Treasury makers, and shoppers alike, can find those items on Etsy through searches. Its a great marketing tool so take advantage of it and take the time to get your products tagged !

If you have an Etsy shop, we do require that you have a minimum of five active listing tagged with our team tag Once again remember that untagged items can't be searched :(

Using the cotm tag helps to identify your pledge & commitment to our Charity of the Month program. This tag pertains specifically to the *current* Charity of the Month. If after the month is done & your products are still tagged with the cotm tag, these will go to benefit the next cotm. If you do not wish to donate to the next charity of the month, then please remove the 'cotm' from your tag.

This is important because Team EFA promotes its Charity of the Month program not only through 'cotm' tag searches, but also through the creation of COTM Treasuries... so let's present our cotm pledge as accurately as possible.

If you want a shortcut, a quick and easy way, to participate in our cotm program and your items are already tagged with our team tag... you could just add the word 'cotm' at the end of your product title- how you do it is entirely up to you :) As long as you have these three words our team tag + cotm somewhere in your title or tags, your listings will get picked up on searches.

And lastly, another great way to promote your cotm product listings is with our COTM EFA logo. EFA members can take advantage of this awesome marketing tool by uploading it as one of their product listing photos. It has a beautiful graphic appeal and delivers the message boldly to your perspective buyer.

Our EFA logos are created by our super talented graphic designer, Eva of and soon to be launched

Happy Selling & THANKS for being a member of EFA !

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Please leave a positive comment :)
We shall publish it as soon as it is approved...
THANKS for visiting !