Saturday, October 02, 2010

HOW TO MAKE & Report Charity DONATiONS


If you participate in EFA's Charity of the Month program, making a donation to one of our COTM charities has become easier. To make a donation to one of EFA's more recent Charity of the Month... you can now find on this blog, in the left hand column, quick links for the last 12 COTM charities.

All charities have their own donation protocol- some may be set up with Paypal, whilst some may only do credit cards, and others may simply take checks. EFA has no control about those options but we do hope that making a donation will be easy & feel rewarding. Thank you so much for making a donation & helping the animals !


Copper Angel Earrings by Beaded Tail

Each month, EFA tallies up member donations to animal charities & posts a total amount on our website. All you have to do is to fill out & submit one of EFA's Donation Reports, press the Submit button and *Poof!* EFA will instantly know how much has been donated to what charity !

Donations that can be reported include: monetary contributions, the value of goods donated to raffles, auctions or fund raisers, and the value of other gifts donated to animal charity organizations.

Help us keep track of donations by submitting your Donation Report on a regular basis so that we may have as accurate of a tally as possible. May we suggest that you fill out a report each time you make a donation ? Please note that your name will always be kept confidential.

Click HERE to make a Donation Report

EFA is proud of how much our members donate... and we celebrate our members accomplishments by using EFA's monthly tally for publicity purposes.

THANKS for being a member of TEAM EFA !


  1. Thanks to all EFA members who help animals and submit their donation amounts as well! :) Together we are helping animals all around the world!

  2. Thanks, Nicole! I just completed it all!


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