Thursday, March 27, 2014

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Last Chance to Speak Up for Wolves

Wolf advocates and lawmakers are continuing to raise concerns about what will happen if gray wolves lose federal protection in the lower 48. Hundreds of wolves have already been brutally slaughtered in the Northern Rockies and Great Lakes region after they lost federal protection and management was turned over to the states.

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) requires decisions to list or delist a species to be made solely on the best available science. Fortunately, last month a panel of independent scientists unanimously concluded that the proposal does not currently represent the ‘best available science.’ Because the process has been called out as flawed, wolf advocates believe the only conscionable thing for the FWS to do is to withdraw its proposal, but time to speak up on behalf of these iconic predators and get an official comment in to the FWS is running out.

The public commend period closes at midnight on March 27. 

Please take a moment to submit a public comment in support of continued federal protection for gray wolves throughout the U.S.!submitComment;D=FWS-HQ-ES-2013-0073-43030

2. Help Save Monarchs from Deadly Pesticides

The number of monarch butterflies has steadily dropped around 80 percent, or more by some estimates, in the past 15 years and scientists are now worried they may disappear forever. Unfortunately, widespread and growing use of pesticides like Roundup are killing milkweed plants - the only ones monarch's will lay their eggs on - and is threatening their future survival. 

Please send a letter to the EPA asking the agency to adopt strict new restrictions on pesticides that threaten monarchs and other pollinators.

3. Protect the Future for Wildlife

Congress is about to vote on a bill that could gut the law that helped establish and protect America's most beloved national parks, which aren't just hot spots for nature lovers, but home to an abundance of species.  If the "Preventing New Parks" bill passes, it could prevent the future establishment of national parks and weaken protection for existing ones.

As humans continue to encroach on wild places, now is not the time for Congress to hurt conservation measures. 

Please send a letter to your representative asking them to vote no on this bill.;jsessionid=521607CC9065292AABE5218416B720FE.app337b?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=2675



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