Thursday, February 13, 2014

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Tell the Government to Listen to Scientists and Keep Wolves Protected

An independent peer review panel just unanimously concluded that the government's plan to remove federal protections from gray wolves is scientifically flawed. Wolf advocates hope this will deliver a fatal blow to the proposal, leaving officials with no choice but to withdraw the plan and are calling on them to make good on their promises to make a decision using the best available science. 

Please send a letter to Interior Secretary Sally Jewel and Fish and Wildlife Director Dan Ashe asking them to withdraw the plan to remove wolves from the Endangered Species Act.;jsessionid=6E2EE0B9136B453E4F2898FA75FA7C41.app366b?pagename=homepage&page=UserAction&id=641&autologin=true

2. Help Chicago Fight Puppy Mills

Officials in Chicago are supporting a new ordinance that would ban the retail sale of dogs from puppy mills and encourage pet stores to work with rescues and rescues and shelters, which they believe will not only protect dogs by shutting puppy mills out and reducing euthanasia, but will save taxpayers in the long run. 

Supporters are trying to gather signatures in support of this ordinance before a hearing on February 26. 

Please sign the petition urging officials in Chicago to take a stand for animal welfare and ban the retail sale of dogs from pet stores.

3. Ask Castle View High School to End Unnecessary Cat Dissections

Animal advocates are urging Castle View High School to stop requiring students to participate in dissection and use the widely available alternatives to teach students the basics of anatomy. 

Please sign the petition urging the high school's officials to drop cat labs from the curriculum. 


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