Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Whiskers' Syndicate: Rain Storm Damage Status Report from our Dec. Charity of The Month

Rain Storm Damage
Status Report from
The Whiskers' Syndicate

nominated by Nicole of Brizel4TheAnimals 
Written by Josie of Whiscraft
Photos courtesy of TWS

Had I come home ten minutes later that evening, there would be no story to share today.

I was out running errands shipping out some Etsy orders and it was already chaotic when I got home. The feline 'refugees' were on top of anything and everything high and those who had not managed this feat called frantically, demanding me to open the front door right away. When I did, there was a strong current of panicked cats rushing inside the house, like a tsunami, and with them came along much mud and dirt.

Even when we started The Whiskers Syndicate, our property was 'primitive'. What we call a 'cattery' is simply a part of the backyard that has roof, and the rest of it is green grass.

This is how the backyard looked like 
when we first moved in...

Nothing fancy, but better than bracing the cold winds of the highlands on a merciless city street without proper food or shelter !

After our typhoon inspired rain storm... the backyard had turned into a mess...

The bamboos all bent over from harsh wind 
and blocked the path

The cats looked on...

Due to roof damages, in the days that followed… even with the slightest rain we experienced multiple water leaks and sometimes it felt like we had no roof at all. 

Under such condition plenty of cats, especially small kittens, became sick and needed intensive vet care and it became a dilemma. Its impossible to be in two places at the same time... when I am at the vet downtown, I am worried about rain flooding the cattery and when I am home, I feel guilty because some of the cats should be going to the vet. We do not have vehicle so all this takes much time.

Restoration is imminent. With my experiences in the past year and the support of generous supporters who donate or send medications and supplies… everyone has pulled through and we intend to do whatever we can to get through these trials.

Peta is one of our world famous cats. He voluntarily share his fatherly love to every kitten that comes into the sanctuary. He lost his favorite tree but is still taking time to comfort others…

And life goes on, regardless...

Whiskers' Syndicate is a private sanctuary, we are the first, and only one operating in this breeder capital of Indonesia, a country without animal welfare, where even vets are backyard breeders.

Team EFA is partnering up with friends of Whiskers' Syndicate to help fundraise $5500, the estimated cost to repair damages from this typhoon inspired rain storm. Won't you lend your hand to help our cats get their home repaired ?

The Whiskers' Syndicate

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1 comment:

  1. Wow! That was quite a storm you had. I sure am glad everyone made it through okay, and hopefully you will get some much needed funds soon!


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