Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Architects of Change for Cats... USA's National Feral Cat Day- October 16th

13th Annual National Feral Cat Day (Oct. 16) 
Highlights Growing National Movement 
toward More Compassionate Communities

Alley Cat Allies to release “blueprints” to change animal sheltering practices and save cats’ lives

BETHESDA, MD—The 13th annual National Feral Cat Day® on Oct. 16 will shine a spotlight on the growing national movement toward embracing humane animal control and sheltering practices that protect the lives of community cats, said Alley Cat Allies, the nation’s leading advocacy group for cats. Alley Cat Allies founded National Feral Cat Day in 2001.

“There is a sea change in our how our nation’s cities are approaching cats whose homes are the outdoors,” said Becky Robinson, president and co-founder of Alley Cat Allies. “Hundreds of municipal and private shelters and animal control agencies have embraced Trap-Neuter-Return and abandoned the cruelty of ‘catch and kill’. Communities are seeing firsthand that these innovative programs really work.”

This year, Alley Cat Allies will mark the day by releasing “Architects of Change for Cats,” a blueprint for animal pounds, shelters and animal control agencies for implementing changes to end the practice of catching and killing community cats. The guide includes several examples of communities that have changed their practices and have since seen reduced animal shelter intake numbers, stabilized outdoor cat populations, widespread community support and other powerful metrics of success.

Since the launching of National Feral Cat Day® in 2001, hundreds of local nonprofit organizations have been formed to educate their communities about feral cat colonies and carry out TNR programs; and more than 300 cities have officially endorsed or embraced TNR.

Robinson said the widespread grassroots support for such changes could be demonstrated by the growing number of communities that celebrate National Feral Cat Day with events such as rallies, TNR workshops, spay/neuter drives and gala fundraisers.

“Last year, more than 450 events were held in honor of National Feral Cat Day, and we expect even more this year,” Robinson said. “This is a day for people in communities large and small, all across the U.S., to raise their voices in support of positive change for cats.”

More information can be found at 

Alley Cat Allies is the only national advocacy organization dedicated to the protection and humane treatment of cats. Founded in 1990, today Alley Cat Allies has nearly half a million supporters and helps tens of thousands of individuals, communities, and organizations save and improve the lives of millions of cats and kittens nationwide.

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1 comment:

  1. Hopefully T-N-R programs will catch on quickly and start spreading rapidly from here on out. It really is the best solution for everyone (the folks AND the furballs :o)


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