Monday, September 02, 2013

Introducing September's COTM: Grey2K USA !

Introducing September's 
Charity of the Month
Grey2K USA !

Nominated by Veronica of ScrappyRat
and supported by Jane of TheDogHouse

A Global Voice for Greyhounds
Text and Photos courtesy of Grey2K

Formed in March of 2001, GREY2K USA is the largest greyhound protection organization in the United States.  As a non-profit 501(c)4 organization, we work to pass stronger greyhound protection laws and to end the cruelty of dog racing on both national and international levels. We also promote the rescue, rehoming and adoption of greyhounds across the globe.

Ending the Cruelty of Dog Racing

Greyhound racing is cruel and inhumane, and should be prohibited. GREY2K USA was the first organization to successfully outlaw dog racing using the ballot initiative process. In November 2008, the citizens of Massachusetts chose compassion over cruelty and voted 56%-44% to close down Raynham and Wonderland Greyhound Parks. Since our formation, twenty-six dog tracks have closed for live racing all across the country, and the number of states with dog racing has been cut in half.

Passing Stronger Greyhound Protection Laws

In recent years, GREY2K USA has been instrumental in fighting for stronger laws to protect racing greyhounds. In Massachusetts and New Hampshire, we successfully passed laws requiring that these states inform the public on the number of greyhounds injured while racing, and report on the ultimate fate of racing dogs. Also in Massachusetts, we helped pass the first state-funded greyhound adoption trust fund in United States history. In Florida and New Hampshire, we passed legislation to restore greyhounds to the protections of anti-cruelty laws.

Defeating Attempts to Subsidize Dog Tracks

GREY2K USA works to defeat attempts to prop up the cruelty of dog racing and has successfully repealed direct subsidies and tax breaks once awarded to dog track owners. 

Since 2002, we have helped defeat attempts to subsidize dog races with slot machine profits in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Kansas, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Oregon. Dog track owners in Colorado, Kansas and Oregon decided to close their facilities as a result.

Our Supporters

GREY2K USA is an independent, non-profit effort entirely supported by its members. People from all walks of life -- including school teachers, dog walkers, veterinarians, accountants, construction workers and corporate CEOs, have joined with us to help end dog racing.

GREY2K USA is a non-profit 501(c)4 advocacy organization located at 240B Elm Street, Somerville, Massachusetts 02144. 100% of donations support our mission to end dog racing. 

We are grateful for personal and corporate contributions. GREY2K USA does not accept donations from individuals or corporations with a financial interest in commercial dog racing or the gambling industry. Because GREY2K USA lobbies for greyhound protection, contributions are not tax deductible. 


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Charity of the Month !

THANKS for supporting
our Charity of the Month Program


  1. Looks like a terrific cause Veronica ~ greyhounds are so awesome! (and this month's charity looks pretty terrific too ;o)

    Nice choice!

  2. I'm so glad we are supporting this charity. We took in a greyhound several years ago from an individual who rescued them from / after their racing days. Our dog was 10 when we took her, and she'd spent many years being bred. We didn't have long with her, only two or three years, but we loved her and enjoyed seeing her run free and fast in our yard before she died of cancer. At least she spent her last years away from the racetrack, and that is my hope for all greyhounds!

  3. Thank you to all the artists contributing to this cause. You're helping us to help the greyhounds.

  4. I was so happy to be given the opportunity to vote out the two tracks in Massachusetts. One of our past neighbors ran a greyhound "farm" of over 60 dogs and I learned first hand over a number of years how these dogs were treated at the track in Raynham by their handlers and how live rabbits were used for lure coursing. Great post and fantastic charity - thank you!


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