Saturday, July 27, 2013

Animal Petitions Corner by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Support Important Bill for Pets and Homeless Animals

A bill in North Carolina that would give law enforcement and emergency responders the authority to break into cars to save pets in danger, as well as implementing important provisions that will help owners reunite with lost pets and help relieve overcrowding by allowing rescues and fosters to take pets from state funded facilities is waiting for the governor's signature. 

Please send a letter urging North Carolina's governor to sign this bill. 

2. Help Protect Joshua Tree's Bobcats

The discovery that bobcats were being trapped for their fur near Joshua Tree National Park last winter sparked outrage from residents who love these cats and enjoy seeing them around. Bobcat advocates are now fighting for a bill that would ban trapping near the park, where they're currently protected, and help stop trespassing trappers by banning trapping on private land without the owner's permission. 

Please sign the petition urging the California Senate to support this important bill for bobcats. 

3. Help Shut Down Abusive Lab

Santa Cruz Biotechnology, a lab and animal dealer, has been cited for numerous violations of the Animal Welfare Act and has gone so far as to deny the existence of a facility housing 841 goats it used in antibody production. Unfortunately, the USDA has yet to take any serious action against it, while animals continue to suffer needlessly. 

Please send a letter to the USDA urging it to seek the highest possible fine for violations and revoke its dealer license. 

1-2-3 ACTiONS 

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