Saturday, May 18, 2013

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Tell Washington University to Stop Torturing Cats

Washington University is back in the spotlight for using cats in its Pediatrics Advanced Life Support PALS) training to teach students tracheal intubation, despite having access to simulators and an offer from Bob Barker to donate $75,000 for two new state-of-the-art simulators. The university is believed to be the last in the U.S. to still use live animals, the rest have switched to infant simulators - which is advised by the American Heart Association, which sponsors and creates the curriculum for PALS programs. 

Please sign the petition urging the school to stop using cats to teach students and switch entirely to human simulators.

2. Support a Resolution to End Gas Chamber Euthanasia

House Resolution 208 was just reintroduced by congressman Jim Moran, which opposes the use of gas chamber euthanasia for homeless animals. While it won't ban gas chambers, it does show congressional disapproval for their use. It also calls for states to adopt the more humane method of euthanasia via lethal injection and seeks to ensure that shelter workers have ready access to training and certification for humane euthanasia techniques.

Please send a letter to your representative asking them to support and co-sponsor H.R. 208.

3. Keep Horse Slaughter Out of Maine

Maine lawmakers are considering legislation that will help keep horses and communities safe by banning the sale and transport of horses and horse meat to and through the state, in addition to ensuring that slaughterhouses can't open shop there. Banning slaughter in the state will also close a major route to slaughterhouses in Canada. 

Please sign the petition asking Maine lawmakers to ban horse slaughter.

1-2-3 ACTiONS 

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