Saturday, April 20, 2013

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help Vermonters Fight Puppy Mills

Vermont humane groups, animal shelters, vets and others are supporting legislation that will  close loopholes in current laws and help regulate dog breeders in the state and keep them from running substandard operations. 

Please send a letter to members of the Vermont Senate Agriculture Committee asking them to pass H. 50

2. Help Stop Shark Slaughter

Millions of sharks are killed annually for their fins. While shark finning is illegal in U.S. state and federal waters, it is still perfectly legal to buy shark fins in most states - with the exception of a few that have bans in place. 

Please send a letter to your lawmakers asking them to ban shark fin products in your state.

3. Oppose Genetically Engineered Salmon

Animals used in agriculture have suffered as a result of genetic tinkering that have caused them to grow faster and bigger than ever to produce more and they've suffered the consequences. Now, the FDA is close to approving the AquAdvantage salmon - the first genetically engineered farmed animal, which has raised concerns about salmon health and welfare, environmental impacts and what the effects will be on humans. 

Please submit a comment to the FDA opposing genetically engineered salmon before April 26.!submitComment;D=FDA-2011-N-0899-0003

For a sample letter, check here:

You can also sign the petition supporting the Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act.

1-2-3 ACTiONS 

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