Tuesday, December 04, 2012

December's COTM is... Rainbow Friends Animal Sanctuary

December's COTM is...
Rainbow Friends Animal Sanctuary
Big Island of Hawaii

nominated by Andrea of EveryDogsDelight

Rainbow Friends Animal Sanctuary is a no-kill animal sanctuary primarily for dogs and cats. The sanctuary has 80 dogs and 250 cats in residence on a 7.5 acre parcel of land in Kurtistown in beautiful Hawaii. Rainbow Friends embraces the vision in which we see a time where all animals have a home with caring and responsible people and a time where there is a compassionate and loving relationship between humans and non-humans.


This past January, I got lost on my way to the sanctuary, (typical me!) and ended up in a driveway filled with unneutered/unspayed dogs. Thirty, at least. 

My eyes locked with the one small dog who had the gentlest eyes I’ve ever seen. I got out of the car and went to pet him. He rolled over, let me love on him and that is when I smelled gangrene. Someone had bashed in his elbow and I couldn't leave him behind. I asked one of the kids what they were going to do with him and they said “Kill him”. I said “Can I have him?” Of course, their mother said yes and I found Rainbow Friends. 

Sharon, one of their volunteers, was integral in him getting vet care right away. She attempted to give me directions to the nearest vet and she saw I wasn't comprehending her. She immediately said "Follow me!" and we did! She stayed the entire time; while we waited for care and throughout the entire appt. 

I was leaving for Alaska 2 days later and he, (now named Kurt and a wonderful 3-legged dog who LOVES to dig!), was too sick to travel. So “Angel” Abby, one of the tech vets, volunteered to take care of him till he could travel. That was 2-3 weeks. He arrived to Anchorage and I immediately took him to my vet. He had to lose his front leg but his spirit is indomitable!!! The second dog, Thumper, is now 10 years old and alive and well! They both are absolute loves!!! I truly love their Vision! Love IS now, ˜Andrea Allemani



"We embrace the vision in which we see a time where all animals have a home with caring and responsible people and a time where there is a compassionate and loving relationship between humans and non-humans. Love is. Love is not something you do today and not tomorrow.
The attention to the animals at the sanctuary is physical, emotional, mental and spiritual "


Housing - Food - Environment - Medical Care

Care - Play- Attention - Massage - TTouch

Training - Agility - Search and Rescue - Walks - Drafting

Respect - Love - Trust 


Spiritual Aspects of the Sanctuary
(encompassing human and non-human)

Equality of Being
Compassion and Common Sense 


"Rainbow Friends Animal Sanctuary is a 501(c)3 non profit organization dedicated to the well being of the Hawaii's unwanted, rejected, abandoned, abused or otherwise neglected animals, especially companion animals."

"Our services include rescuing, fostering, provision of food, medical care and safe sheltering of these creatures until they can be permanently placed into caring and responsible homes. Some animals may live out their lives at the Sanctuary, or foster locations, or be returned to their human companions."



"An animal sanctuary is a facility where animals are brought to live and be protected for the rest of their lives. Unlike animal shelters, sanctuaries do not seek to place animals with individuals or groups, instead maintaining each animal until his or her natural death."

"In some cases, an establishment may have characteristics of both a sanctuary and a shelter; for instance, some animals may be in residence temporarily until a good home is found and others may be permanent residents. This is so in our situation."


"The mission of sanctuaries is generally to be safe havens, where the animals receive the best care that the sanctuaries can provide. Animals are not bought, sold, or traded, nor are they used for animal testing. The resident animals are given the opportunity to behave as naturally as possible in a protective environment."
"What distinguishes a sanctuary from other institutions is the philosophy that the residents come first. In a sanctuary, every action is scrutinized for any trace of human benefit at the expense of non-human residents. Sanctuaries act on behalf of the animals, and the caregivers work under the notion that all animals in the sanctuary, human and non-human, are of equal importance."


"A sanctuary is not open to the public in the sense of a zoo; that is, the public is not allowed unsupervised access to any part of the facility. A sanctuary tries not to allow any activity that would place the animals in an unduly stressful situation. One of the most important missions of sanctuaries, beyond caring for the animals, is educating the public. The ultimate goal of a sanctuary should be to change the way that humans think of, and treat, non-human animals."




Content copyright 2012. 
Rainbow Friends Animal Sanctuary 
All rights reserved.

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