Saturday, November 10, 2012

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by ALicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help Keep Sea Turtles and Other Marine Creatures Alive

The endangered leatherback sea turtle and a myriad of other marine creatures are continuing to get caught and drowned by drift gillnets that are placed along the Pacific coast. Unfortunately, the Pacific Fishery Management Council voted to expand gillnet fishing along the coast of California earlier this year. 

Please send a letter to the Pacific Fisheries Management Council and the National Marine Fisheries Service asking them to ban the use of gillnets and adopt more sustainable fishing practices.

2. Protect Red Wolves in the Wild

The only remaining red wolves in the wild reside in North Carolina, where they were reintroduced in the 1980s. Unfortunately, they're often mistaken for coyotes and killed. Last spring, the North Carolina’s Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) approved night hunting for coyotes, a measure that animal advocates are currently fighting. 

Please send a letter to the WRC asking that all coyote hunting during the days and nights be banned in red wolf recovery area. 


North Carolina Residents:

3. Help Protect the Giant Pacific Octopus

A hunter has recently come under fire for killing a giant Pacific octopus -the largest octopus species in the world - in Puget Sound. The public and the diving community were outraged by the callousness of his actions and worried about the future of resident octopuses in Elliot Bay, who divers have grown accustomed to seeing and attached to. Unfortunately, hunting these mysterious and intelligent creatures is perfectly legal with a one-day permit that allows for one kill. 

Please sign the petition asking the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife to stop issuing one-day hunting licenses and create a Marine Protected Area for these creatures.

1-2-3 ACTiONS 

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