Saturday, September 15, 2012


Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Get Wolf Killers Off of Reality TV

For some reason the producers of the reality show On Your Own Adventures thought it would be a good idea to air completely biased and inaccurate information about wolf management and televise a wolf being slaughtered by a host who said, "It's the funnest thing I've done in years." 

Please sign the petition telling the producers of this show that their actions are completely inappropriate and unacceptable and asking them to pull the show immediately. 

2. Tell Congress to Help Stop the Global Poaching Crisis 

The Global Conservation Act of 2012 is intended to help stop the issue of poaching around the world by allocating funds for programs that crack down on poachers, keeping natural areas safe, restoring habitats and supporting local communities in the development of wildlife tourism, among other things. This legislation already has bipartisan support, but it needs to be prioritized and passed. 

Please send a letter to your representatives asking them to support the Global Conservation Act.

3. Help Stop the Slaughter of Polar Bears

While polar bears are already suffering from the effects of climate change, it's still perfectly legal for hunters to kill them and sell their parts on the international market. A proposal to ban the trade in polar bear parts failed at the last meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) two years ago, but could be on the table again in March. 

Send a letter to President Obama asking that the U.S. sponsor a proposal again to help protect polar bears. 

1-2-3 ACTiONS 


  1. Thank you so much for posting these each week. I really appreciate how simple it is to act on these petitions and letter writing programs, thanks to your posts. :)


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