Saturday, August 25, 2012


Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Keep Fox Mountain Alpha Female Wolf in the Wild 

Outcry from the public over USFWS plans to kill the Fox Mountain Pack's alpha female have kept her alive, but plans to capture her and keep her in captivity are still in place. She hasn't been captured yet, and is urging people to help keep up the pressure and urge officials to leave her in the wild with her pack. 

Make a Call !
White House: 202-456-1111
USFWS in Washington, DC Public number:1-800-344-9453
USFWS Southwest Regional Office External Affairs Office: 505-248-6911 
Mexican Wolf Recovery Coordinator: 505-761-4748
Main Office: 505-248-6920
Congressional representatives:

Send an Email !
USFWS Southwest Regional Director Benjamin Tuggle 
USFWS Acting SoWest Regional Director Joy Nicholopoulos
Your Congressional representatives
Your Senators
Senator Udall
Senator Bingaman

2. Stop the Legalization of Ivory Sales

A recent proposal from CITES to legalize the sale of ivory stockpiles has sparked some serious debate. Opponents believe legalizing sales will only increase the demand for ivory and make elephants more vulnerable to poaching. 

Please send a letter to U.S. officials asking them not to support the legalization of ivory sales.

3. Ask the DoT to Require Reports for All Incidents Involving Animals

The Department of Transportation (DoT) has published a proposal that would expand reporting requirements for airlines that ship animals to help improve safety and humane handling for animal passengers and help people decide which airlines to use if they’re traveling with an animal companion.

As it stands, airlines are only required to report incidents ranging from lost pets and injuries to deaths for animals that are being kept as household pets in the U.S. The new proposal would include pets and commercial shipments, but excludes other animals, such as primates being shipped for research. 

Please submit a comment before August 28 asking the DoT to amend its proposal and require airlines to file a report for the total number of animals transported and for any animal that is lost, injured or killed regardless of their species or whether they are a pet or commercial shipment.!submitComment;D=DOT-OST-2010-0211-0008

Sample letter here:


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