Tuesday, June 05, 2012

June's COTM is... The Gentle Barn

June's Charity of the Month is...
Nominated by Heather of TheBlueWindmill

Have you hugged a cow today? 
Walked a horse? 
Spent time as a barnyard buddy 
attending to...
a goat ?
a sheep ?
a chicken ?
a llama ?
or a peacock?

You can do all of these things at 

Ellie Laks founded this sanctuary for abused and neglected animals so that once they have been rescued and rehabilitated; they may live out their lives in a safe, comfortable, and happy environment.

With a background in psychology and special education, Ellie Laks seeks to heal children and animals alike with the ultimate goal of establishing “gentle barns” across “the country so that every animal and child can have a place of healing and safety and where they can be seen for the perfect beings that they are.”

Jay Weiner joined forces with Ellie in 2002 because “like Ellie, Jay also turned to animals for support, love and nurturing” as a child and desires to bring the same healing to others through three main programs. 

The Gentle Barn provides a safe atmosphere for inner city kids, special needs, and school children where they get unconditional, non-judgmental love from the animals. “Since children naturally identify with animals, we can use interactions with animals to teach children how to behave towards other people.” 

“The animals teach forgiveness, love, trust, and a sense of responsibility, which means a lot to many special needs children.”

“The Gentle Barn is an educational facility that teaches children about animals in a way that will change their perspective about themselves and the world around them.  We want to show children that even though we all look different, we are all the same inside. Every living being has language and needs food, water, shelter and love.”

Ellie and Jay believe that everyone should have a second chance at life and love and have shared their belief with the many animals that they have rescued... 

Doesn’t this sound like a wonderful place to visit and interact with the animals ? If you are unable to visit The Gentle Barn in person... then visit their virtual barn to check out the animals and read their stories: http://thegentlebarn.org/virtual_barn.php 

You can even sponsor one of their precious animals yourself !



  1. Wow! Such a wonderful place. I had committed any June sales to our local Rescue village, but if I have any sales this month, I will committ 1/2 to The Gentle Barn and 1/2 to my local rescue. I just love this place!


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