Saturday, May 26, 2012

Animal Petitions Corner by WoodsEdge

presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help Sea Lions at the Bonneville Dam 

Once again sea lions are being killed for eating endangered chinook salmon at the Bonneville Dam, located between Washington and Oregon. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, sea lions are consuming less than 2% of the salmon, while 17% were taken by fisherman. 

Sign the petition pledging to boycott Washington and Oregon tourism until they stop harrassing and killing sea lions. 

2. Defend Our Most Powerful Wildlife Law

A new report from the Center for Biological Diversity highlights the effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act in every state and shows how it has helped some of the most imperiled species come back from the brink of extinction. Despite its effectiveness, it continues to be attacked by politicians who are more interested in profits than conservation. 

Please sign the center's petition asking the U.S. Senate to defend the Endangered Species Act and the wildlife it's designed to protect. 

3. Support Protection for Alaska's Wildlife

Alaska provides a critical habitat for a variety of species from grizzly bears and caribou to polar bears and walruses, who all rely on National Petroleum Reserve lands for survival. The Department of the Interior is currently considering options for how to manage this land, but only one is considered appropriate for preserving habitat and protecting wildlife: Alternative B. 

Please sign the petition asking Interior Secretary Ken Salazar  not to cave to special interests and instead ensure protection for critical habitat in Alaska. 

4. Stop the Trade in Black Bear Parts

Black bears across North America have been found mutilated for their parts to meet the demand for their use in traditional Chinese medicine. While some states allow the trade in bear parts, while others do not. The current lack of consistency in regulations is making it difficult to protect black bears from poaching. 

Sign the petition asking the Obama administration to ban the trade of bear parts in all states to ensure black bears are protected. 

Help the Animals
Take 1-2-3-4 Actions 
This Weekend !

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