Saturday, April 28, 2012

ANiMAL PETiTiONS by WoodsEdge

presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge
logo by Eva of CocoNme

1. Dangerous Hunting Legislation Needs More Opposition ASAP

A scary piece of legislation, the Sportsman's Heritage Act, includes dangerous measures that would negatively impact wildlife, the environment and nature enthusiasts. Unfortunately, the bill somehow passed the House and is now in the Senate for consideration. 

If you haven't already signed this, please sign the Endangered Species Coalition's petition against this bill here: 

The National Parks Conservation Association also has a  petition to the Senate opposing opening up our parks to hunting here:

To write directly to your Senators check here:

2. Tell the Military to Stop Torturing Animals

The U.S. Military uses thousands of animals in burned, maimed and tortured in trauma training every year in procedures that would be better practiced on human simulators. 

Sign the petition asking the U.S. Military to stop using live animals and make the switch to simulators which provide better medical training for the battlefield. 

3. Ask the USDA Not to Renew Jambbas Ranch's Permit

Jambbas has been violating the Animal Welfare Act for years, that has caused suffering to numerous animals. Now the Animal Legal Defense Fund, PETA and two private citizens have filed a lawsuit with support from animal experts against the USDA arguing that Jambbas' license should not be renewed. 

Sign the ALDF's petition urging the USDA to stop licensing this facility. 

4. Stop Drilling in the Arctic

Shell Oil may begin drilling in our fragile arctic ecosystem, despite the fact that it has no contingency plan in the event of a spill. Now, only the Obama administration can stop this from happening. 

Send a letter to president Obama to prevent offshore drilling in the Arctic Ocean. 

Help The Animals
Take 1-2-3 Actions Today !

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