Saturday, March 10, 2012


presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Tell Interior Secretary Salazar to Give Callie Hendrickson the Boot

Salazaar recently appointed Callie Hendrickson to the Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board as a "Public Advocate." Unfortunately, Hendrickson openly represents ranching interests, is supportive of horses and burros being removed from their rangelands and sold without limitation, including to kill-buyers, and is a mouthpiece for pro-horse slaughter.

Please sign the petition asking Salazar to rescind her appointment immediately.

2. Protect Butterfly Habitat

Monarch butterflies are facing a questionable future due in part to the use of pesticides and habitat loss as they migrate from Mexico where they hibernate to northern climates where they lay eggs and begin their cycle over.

Sign the petition asking the EPA to step in and come up with a plan that will help protect butterflies.

3. Tell Tim Hortons to Stop Supporting Farm Animal Cruelty

Tim Hortons , a Canadian coffee shop, is under fire from animal rights groups for its lack of progress when it comes to animal welfare. The chain is now considering moving to the U.S. and animal advocates want to see an end to them supporting suppliers who use gestation crates and battery cages wherever its operating.

Sign the petition asking Tim Hortons to stop supporting these practices.

Help The Animals
Take 1-2-3 Actions Today !

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