Saturday, February 25, 2012


presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Ban Snaring in Scotland

Even though they are regulated, snares are still allowed in Scotland and cause suffering and death for a myriad of small animals....and they don't discriminate between target animals and other creatures ranging from pets to threatened and endangered species.

Sign the petition supporting a full ban on snares, as opposed to more regulations.

2. Don't Let Idaho Use Live Bait to Hunt Wolves!

A bill has been introduced in Idaho that would make it legal to use live bait to trap wolves, in addition to killing them from pretty much anywhere, using anything, at any time. The bill does not define live bait, but rumor has it dogs were being considered.

Sign the petition telling Idaho that they're taking their hatred of wolves too far. Wolf hunting is, unfortunately, already legal in the state.

3. Save Wildlife from Development in Wakulla Spring

Wakulla Spring, the biggest and deepest spring in the U.S. provides a rich environment for endangered manatees and other wildlife. The state of Florida is now considering opening the spring for recreational use.

Sign the petition asking Florida officials not to change its current policy and keep this vital habitat off limits from recreation and development.

Help The Animals
Take 1-2-3 Actions Today !

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