1. Get Police Educated in Animal Handling Techniques
There have been a few articles in the news lately about police officers reaching for their guns and killing "uncontrolled" dogs, the latest of which was a 12-year-old golden retriever named Boomer who was shot at close range and did not die instantly. Instead of having officers shooting people's pets, they should be educated in animal behavior and animal handling.
Sign the petition asking the Mayor of St. Petersburg, FL to have officers trained in animal handling techniques.
2. Tell the Topsfield Fair to Stop Exploiting Animals
The annual Topsfield Fair in Massachusetts is adding endangered Bengal tigers to its list of amusements this year, which has many concerned about not only the safety of families who attend, but about the message it sends about exotic animals in captivity.
Sign the petition asking the Topsfield Fair to keep it safe and human by removing big cats from its exhibits.
3. Stop the Import of Puppy Mill Puppies
The USDA is proposing a rule that would implement an amendment made to the Animal Welfare Act in 2008 that would ban foreign dogs from being brought into the U.S. for resale, but would not affect rescues.
Send the USDA a letter thanking them and asking them to implement and enforce this rule as soon as possible.
Help The Animals
Take 1-2-3 Actions Today !
Thanks Alicia !