Saturday, August 20, 2011

weekly Animal Petitions Corner

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Tell Airlines to Stop Shipping Primates for Research

The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV) has been campaigning to raise awareness about the unseen passengers who travel in cargo that are headed to research facilities. Caribbean Airlines has just announced that it will stop supporting this dirty business and has changed its policy stating that it will no longer “primates used for laboratory research experimentation and exploitation purposes.”

Help keep the pressure on! Sign the petition to urge the last few airlines that support this cruelty to join the growing list of airlines who have changed their policies.

2. Help Make it Illegal to Attend or Bring a Minor to an Animal Fight

Under the Animal Welfare Act, there is nothing prohibiting people from attending animal fights. Unfortunately, spectators help fund a large portion of this cruelty with entrance fees and gambling. The Animal Fighting Spectator Prohibition Act, bill H.R. 2492, would amend federal law and add a “penalty of up to one year in prison for knowingly attending an animal fighting venture and up to three years in prison for causing a minor to attend an animal fighting venture.”

Send a letter to your representatives urging them to support and co-sponsor this important piece of legislation.

3. Free Katya the Bear

When Katya the bear was younger, she was the star of the Big St. Petersburg State Circus where she entertained curious onlookers. Now, she is kept in a rusty cage on a bus with other animals in all types of whether and receiving minimal, if any, care.

Sign the petition asking Russia’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection to strengthen animal cruelty laws and free Katya and the other animals who are kept in deplorable conditions.

Help The Animals

Take 1-2-3 Actions Today !


1 comment:

  1. Signed two out of three - the one about stopping bringing minors to animal fights, is USA-only :(


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