Saturday, July 16, 2011

weekly Animal Petitions Corner

Written by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help Give Pets in New York a Second Chance

A bill has just been introduced in New York that would allow shelters access to animals that would otherwise be destroyed. The Companion Animal and Rescue Act (CAARA) is based on similar laws that were passed in California and Delaware with bipartisan support and would include language that would mandate access to shelters by qualified rescues and establish better standards of care for shelter animals.

Sign the petition showing your support of this legislation.

2. Tell the Westfield Mall to Stop Supporting the Circus

Westfield Malls across the East have been and will be hosting the Cole Brothers Circus on mall property. This circus has a long history of negligence and abuse that poses a danger to both the animals involved and to people.

Send a letter to the Westfield Group asking them not to support the Cole Brothers Circus.

3. Tell Sheryl Crow Not to Support Rodeo Cruelty

Sheryl Crow, who has publicly supported campaigns to keep our wild horses on the range is receiving criticism from Showing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK) and animal lovers for plans to perform at the Cheyenne Frontier Days in Wyoming on July 22 and donating money from the show to the Cloud Foundation, an organization dedicated to saving mustangs.

SHARK’s calling Crow out on the hypocrisy of condoning the abuse of some animals, in order to save others. The Cloud Foundation issued a statement saying they would be grateful for her donation, and added that the rodeo doesn’t use mustangs.

Sign the petition asking Sheryl Crow not to support rodeo cruelty.

Help the Animals
please make the time
to take 1-2-3 actions
this week !

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