Saturday, June 11, 2011

weekly Animal Petitions Corner

by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help Save Beluga Whales

There are only 340 belugas in Cook Inlet in Alaska. Despite Cook Inlet having been designated a critical habitat for endangered belugas, a mine is being proposed in the area, which will also threaten Native communities and other wildlife.

Send a letter to the Anglo American Corporation they need to stay out of Cook Inlet and Bristol Bay.

2. Tell Denmark to Stop Banning Dog Breeds

Denmark has already banned 12 breeds and has plans to ban 13 more, despite the fact that breed specific legislation (BSL) is ineffective. Even reports in Denmark have indicated that the number of dog bites have increased even with bans in place.

Sign the petition asking Denmark to stop punishing the breed.

3. Tell China Not to Support Bear Bile Farms

The Gui Zhen Tang Pharmaceutical Corporation, which uses bear bile farms, wants to be included in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Due to the cruelty inherent in bear bile farming, many animal lovers and animal welfare groups are opposing their inclusion.

Sign the petition telling officials at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange not to condone animal cruelty.

Help the Animals
please make the time
to take 1-2-3 actions
this week !

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