Saturday, April 09, 2011

weekly Animal Petitions Corner

Animal Petitions Corner

by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Its Almost World Week for Animals in Labs

April 16-24 is World Week for Animals in Labs (WWAIL), which is dedicated to bringing attention to the cruel and pointless tests animals in labs are subjected to every day behind closed doors. Despite being ordered by Congress almost twenty years ago to move towards non-animal alternatives, the National Institute of Health has not made any real headway towards reducing the number of animals they use.

Please send a letter to the director of the NIH asking him to lead where others have failed by providing more funding for non-animal testing and training to reduce and eventually eliminate the use of animals in labs.

You can also visit find outreach events in your area.

2. Help Stop Roadside Pet Sales in California

In many parts of the U.S. it is perfectly legal to sell pets on the side of the road or out of parking lots. Without vendors/sellers caring very much about the future welfare of these animals, they can end up anywhere and may find themselves in poor or abusive situations when they deserve loving forever homes.

Sign the petition asking California senators to pass a bill, SB 917, that would ban roadside sales and create stricter penalties for abuse.

3. Tell Go Daddy’s CEO Real Men Don’t Kill Elephants

Last month, Bob Parsons Founder and CEO of Go Daddy, a prominent web hosting company, released a video blog of his trip to Africa where he kills a “problem” elephant. "Each year I go to Zimbabwe and hunt problem elephant," Parsons writes. "It's one of the most benefecial and rewarding things I do."

Apparently Parsons doesn’t get out much, or he would know there are many humane alternatives for dealing with elephants that keep both them and people safe and that conservation groups are working tirelessly to ensure elephants and humans can cohabitate in an area in peace.

Sign the petition telling Parsons that real men don’t kill elephants.

Help the animals

please make time to sign

1-2-3 petitions this week

Thanks !

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