Saturday, March 12, 2011

weekly Animal Petitions Corner

Animal Petitions Corner

by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help Stop Puppy Mill Cruelty: Support the PUPS Act

A loophole in the Animal Welfare Act has allowed commercial breeders that sell puppies directly to the public or over the Internet to operate without a license or regulation for far too long. Support a bill has just been introduced that will require federal oversight, licensing and inspections of these operations, in addition to requiring that each dog gets exercised on a daily basis.

Take Four Easy Actions for Dogs:

Send a letter to your representatives asking them to support and cosponsor the PUPS Act.

Sign the ASPCA’s petition supporting federal oversight of all commercial breeders.

Millions of perfectly lovable pets are brought to shelters for many different reasons and millions are killed simply because there are not enough homes for them.

Sign and share the pledge to adopt instead of buying online or from pet stores and help educate others about why adoption is so important. If you’ve already opened your heart and home to an animal in need share your story and encourage others to help homeless animals.

2. Stand Up For Wild Horses

Last month the House passed a bipartisan budget bill to cut $2 million in funding for the Bureau of Land Management roundups of wild horses to send a message that the wild horses and burros program seriously needs to be reformed. Unfortunately, the Senate version increased their budget by $12 million, with no stipulations about how they spend it.

Call or send a letter to your representatives asking them to ensure that new financing will not be used to roundup more horses and burros and to support a $2 million decrease in funding.

3. Save Rosie From the Research Lab

Rosie is a chimp who has spent her entire life being experimented on in a research facility. In 2000, she was moved to the safety of a primate facility. Unfortunately, the NIH ordered Rosie back to the lab where she “experienced unspeakable trauma and exhibited signs of anxiety, depression and even post-traumatic stress disorder.”

Sign the petition asking the NIH to remove Rosie and 13 of her companions to the Alamogordo Primate Facility in New Mexico where they can live out their lives in peace.

Help the animals

please make time to sign

1-2-3 petitions this week

Thanks !

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for bringing these important petitions to our attention!


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