Saturday, February 19, 2011

weekly Animal Petitions Corner

Premiering a new

weekly EFA blog column...

Animal Petitions Corner

by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Tell eBay To Stop Supporting Puppy Mills

While the Internet has become a great place for shelters and rescues to network and get the word out about animals who need homes, it’s also become a place for unscrupulous individuals to sell pets. eBay’s plans to sell animals via live auction were nixed by activists, but now they allow puppy mills to sell dogs in their classified section.

Sign the petition telling eBay to shut down sales of dogs and other live animals.

2. Protect Wolves and the Endangered Species Act

Bills have been introduced that would exempt wolves, who are already struggling to survive, from federal protection under the Endangered Species Act. This would be the first time an animal would be exempted and would set a dangerous precedent for other animals in need of protection.

Send a letter to your representative asking them to protect wolves and the Endangered Species Act.

3. Protect Pets from Domestic Violence

A bill has been introduced in Virginia that would add pets to protective orders filed by victims of domestic abuse. Nationwide studies have shown that up to 40 percent of battered women can’t leave abusive situations because they worry about what will happen to their companion animals. An even higher percentage of women report that their abusers have threatened, injured and killed their pets for revenge or to control them. Victims should not have to make the choice between saving themselves and their children or saving their pets.

Sign the petition urging Virginia legislators to pass this bill to protect families and companion animals.

Help the animals

please make time to sign

1-2-3 petitions this week

Thanks !


  1. Awesome! Thanks so much for providing these and making it easier to help. I've signed & posted the links on my blog & facebook page.

  2. Thanks Alicia !
    We appreciate you putting together some of the more crucial petitions before us... and look forward to your weekly column !

  3. This is awesome! What a great idea, and what a great presentation. Thanks so much for putting this together, Alicia!


Please leave a positive comment :)
We shall publish it as soon as it is approved...
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