Tuesday, December 07, 2010


Team EFA's Charity of the Month

presented by Heather of thebluewindmill

"Downer” farm animals are animals that are too sick, injured, or weak to stand or walk. As a result, they are often dragged, "pushed with forklifts, or shocked with electric prods―by any means, no matter how cruel—to get them onto slaughterhouse kill floors". Some are simply cast aside and, left without food or water, die of neglect.

Many of these animals are “the unwitting victims of factory farm stresses and irresponsible transportation methods – endure horrors that you and I can only scarcely imagine”.

"And, not only is this [downer] abuse happening right now, but it is happening much more than you might think. It doesn’t have to be this way."

You can help !

Since 1986, when I [Gene Baur] pulled a downer sheep named Hilda from a stockyard dead pile and restored her to health, Farm Sanctuary has made great strides in the fight against this egregious form of abuse through our No Downers Campaign, including the first ever U.S. downed animal protection laws and the first successful conviction of a stockyard for downed animal cruelty.”

Seven years ago Congress told the USDA to issue regulations to prevent the abuse of downed pigs and other animals, but the agency has failed to do so. As a result, downer pigs – anywhere from 100,000 to more than 900,000 a year according to industry estimates – are subjected to intolerable cruelty. For the sake of these animals, isn’t it time for a change? I say, “YES it is!”

With recent national media attention on this issue, we’ve reached a critical point for creating meaningful change for downed pigs and other suffering animals, and we must seize this opportunity while we still have it.

The Lucky Ones

by TracyTeeter

Will you help by signing our Petition for the Pigs ?

Please join us today in asking Obama to make good on his pledge to be mindful of animal cruelty by demanding that the USDA extend legal protections to downed pigs and other farm animals too. Let him know that you won’t stand for anything less than an end to the marketing and slaughter of all downed animals now!”


"Urge your state and federal legislators to introduce legislation to protect downed animals of all species. Contact them all with one easy email."


And, equally important, once you have done that, please tell at least five friends, co-workers or family members about this petition and ask them to sign too. After all, every new name on our Petition for the Pigs means a stronger voice for suffering animals, so please forward this e-mail as widely as you possibly can.”

All information was obtained from Farm Sanctuary:


Read Heather's introductory article


  1. I'm really glad we're supporting Farm Sanctuary this month. I've signed both petitions. Thank you for spreading awareness about this Heather and Nicole.

  2. Wonderful cause and important petitions! Thank you for nominating Farm Sanctuary and teaching others about their important work Heather and Nicole!

  3. Thanks so much for posting, Nicole!!
    So glad to help spread the word about the good work this org. does!!


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