Saturday, October 23, 2010

National Wolf Awareness Week: A Treasury honoring DOW

National Wolf Awareness Week
- A Treasury honoring DOW -
by Nicole of brizel4TheAnimals

Team EFA has been celebrating National Wolf Awareness Week along side Defenders of Wildlife.

"No other organization in the United States has a longer history, as many resources or as much success in protecting wolves as Defenders of Wildlife. Today, Defenders of Wildlife continues to champion expanded wolf recovery throughout the region, working on many fronts to safeguard wolves in the northern Rockies."

"National Wolf Awareness Week is a week of events dedicated to dispelling misconceptions and teaching about the role wolves play in maintaining biological diversity. Defenders sponsors events nationwide." Defenders of Wildlife

in collaboration with theanimalsmagicshop
Click HERE to visit Etsy Treasury

featuring EFA members:
SavageArtworks, IndieWolf,
backroomtreasures, blindwolfspirit,
artbyakiko, brizel4TheAnimals,
faeriegood, thebluewindmill
plus guests...

PLEASE take a moment
to read & sign the following
Defenders of Wildlife
- TAKE ACTiON Wolf Petitions -

#1: Support a New Beginning for Wolves

"Wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies won a major victory when a federal court reinstated federal protections for these animals. But with Idaho officials still seeking to kill hundreds of wolves, Montana likely to follow and Wyoming still pursuing a shoot-on-sight wolf management plan, our work to ensure a long-term recovery for these magnificent animals is far from over.

Please take action today to urge Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to seize this opportunity to get things right for wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies by pursuing a science-based plan for long-term recovery of wolves."

#2: Lobos Need Your Help To Survive

"At last count, there were only 42 Mexican wolves left in the wilds of Arizona and New Mexico -- making lobos the most endangered wolves in the world.

But recently, two alpha male lobos were killed and another is missing. And on Friday, July 16th, yet another lobo was confirmed killed by a poacher. These killings are terrible setback in the troubled recovery of these rare and struggling animals -- and we need your help to stop them.

Please take action today to help these struggling wolves survive: Sign our petition urging federal officials to increase law enforcement resources and fast-track an effective, science-based recovery plan for lobos."

#3: Take Action to Save These Rare Southwest Wolves

"Mexican gray wolves (also known as lobos) only exist in the wild in America’s Southwest. Unfortunately, with just 42 lobos -- and two breeding pairs -- remaining in the wild, these wolves are in big trouble.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has recently stepped up efforts to save these magnificent animals and to secure their place in Arizona and New Mexico, ending years of mismanagement and giving recovery efforts a real chance at success.

But with so few lobos remaining, the loss of even one wolf could spell disaster for these rare wolves.
Please urge U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to fast-track federal efforts to save these wolves."

#4: Give Wolves a Future in Utah

"Extremists in Utah have it in for wolves. Back in session for less than a week, Republican state Sen. Allen Christensen already introduced, ushered through committee and passed a bill in the state senate that would allow officials to remove or destroy any wolf that crosses into areas of Utah unprotected by the Endangered Species Act.

Christensen's argument: "This bill simply says any wolf within Utah will be captured and killed. We don't want any of them here. Write to Utah Governor Gary Herbert and the state tourism board and urge them to to protect Utah's fledgling wolf population and oppose this dangerous bill."

#5: Help End Arial Wolf Killing

"So far, more than 1,000 wolves have been chased down by gunmen in low-flying aircraft and killed with high-powered rifles. This year alone, more than 250 wolves have been killed --making the 2008/2009 aerial wolf killing season one of the deadliest in years.

Congressman George Miller and Senator Dianne Feinstein have introduced the Protect America’s Wildlife (PAW) Act, federal legislation to end the controversial practice of using aircraft and gunmen to chase and kill wolves in Alaska. Will you urge your representative and senators to help get the PAW Act passed into law?

Complete the form below to urge your representative and senators to sign on as co-sponsors of the PAW Act and help end this awful practice in Alaska and prevent it from spreading to places like the Northern Rockies."

#6: Urge Your Senators to Co-sponsor the PAW Act

"This past summer, Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced the Protect America’s Wildlife (PAW) Act, federal legislation to end the controversial practice of using aircraft and private gunmen to chase and kill wolves in Alaska. Will you urge your senators to help get the PAW Act passed into law?

Fill out the form below to urge your senators to cosponsor the PAW Act -- and join the fight to end this unscientific and unnecessary practice in Alaska, and prevent programs like it from spreading to places like the northern Rockies."



I'm a Defender of Wildlife - Are You? -
To read about Defenders of Wildlife
see September 1 EFA post HERE
To make a donation to DOW
click HERE


  1. Great article; very informative!
    Signed all petitions!!

    Thanks so much for bringing these issues to light and helping to save our precious resource: the wolves!

  2. I have signed some and will double check and make sure to get them all! Thanks for your work and for all of us working hard to bring awareness for these animals that are so relentlessly persecuted without just cause.This senseless killing needs to stop so these wolves have a chance to make a comeback!

  3. What a fabulous article and totally fantastic treasury! Hoping others will take time to sign the petitions and speak up on behalf of the wolves. A big hug to Nicole for highlighting my favorite wild animal during Wolf Awareness Week!

  4. LOL Lisa ... you are 50% responsible for choosing the wonderful wolf products that made such a beautiful Treasury possible ! So glad we collaborated :)

    xo Nicole


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