Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Feral went out on a chilly night...

Written by Patty of Catcalls

Illustrated with EFA member products

The feral went out on a chilly night...

She prayed to the Moon to give her light...

For she'd many a mile to go that night

Before she reached the town-o, town-o, town-o...

She'd many a mile to go that night

Before he reached the town-o !


She stopped by a farm for she did hear

The rustling of stalks and a few kitties cheer

But she hissed and she fled

when the devil did appear...

Past the owl and the bats

to the town-o, town-o, town-o...

Past the owls and the bats to the town-o !


Three creepy old dudes did greet her there

But she looked them in the eye

with her eerie green stare

For she was mindful of the little one in her care

That's why she traveled

all the way to the town-o, town-o, town-o...

Why she traveled all the way to the town-o !


She grabbed her bag

And she donned her tie

Then she joined the parade

to get candy corn Mice !

Then she raced on home

to share her scrumptious delight

With the little one in the den-o, den-o, den-o...

The little one in the den-o !


HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all your outdoor kitties !

Patty of Catcalls
which won October's Charity of the Month

You can click HERE to visit their website !
and to read Patty's first COTM article

The end of the month is close by and we hope that you will be able to send in a donation to The Feral Cat Rescue Project... You can find the quick link to their website on the left hand column of this blog or you can click on their logo/name above.

Remember to let EFA know you've made a donation... you can
click HERE to
report it... by doing so we will be able to add the $ amount into the COTM running total.

Thank you so very much !


  1. I love this story Patty !

    THANKS so much for all your wonderful feral cat articles this month- each one has incredible as the others.

    I will be sending in my cotm donation as soon as the month is over- still have 2 days left and hoping for more sales :)

  2. SO adorable and so fun! Thank you for submitting such a great cause for the COTM, hope we can help them this month!

  3. did another fabulous job putting this up for the blog. I love it! I'm going to tell Chriss and others and hope for a few more dollars to go into the'kitty'!

  4. Very cute. Love the candy corn mouse. heehee.

  5. Love it! Such creativity on this team!

  6. LOVE IT! Especially the mouse devil & the creepy old pumpkin guys ;-)

  7. Too cute (quite a clever little tail that was *grin*)

  8. This was really a delightful read! How clever and creative! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Especially loved the scary dudes and candy corn mice!

    Yes, we will have a good donation for the Feral Cat Rescue Project and are so happy to be able to do this Patty!

  10. This is an awesome post! I love the items and how they go with the story.


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