Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dog rescue story

From Jaison, an EFA member; his shops are and

"I am getting in touch to tell you a little story. I recently rescued a dog from a severe neglect situation. Now when I say rescue I don't mean I went and got him from a shelter, I mean I took him out of the snow and frigid temperatures and onset of starvation by undoing the rope that he was tied to, and putting him in the back seat of my car. This is the story of Wendell, a Cairn Terrier. Wendell has been in a situation where he has not been neutered, vaccinated, house broken, nor fed or hydrated regularly. Certain details aside (concerning where he came from) he was close to death. The night I rescued him, I took him to the emergency vet. Wendell, with the spunk of the happiest dog on earth, somehow was clinging to life despite being half his normal body weight. He weighed 5.3 pounds. You could run your fingers along his rib cage and feel the space in between them. He also was suffering from a tapeworm. So, three weeks later Wendell is alive and well. He gained 2.5 pounds in the first 15 days. He looks different, better, with his Toto like appearance, even though he is a tan-faun color.

Animal Friends here in Pittsburgh accepted him in order to vaccinate him, neuter him and soon find him a forever home. The great thing for me is that I live near Animal Friends which is truly a great facility. It is pretty much a sanctuary with park space too. You can actually bring your pets there to walk the trails through the woods or have parties and picnics. I will be able to follow Wendell's progress and find out when he has been adopted.
We donate to shelters and organizations regularly that help animals. Pittsburgh has a number of no-kill shelters and sanctuaries. It just makes me feel good to have done the right thing and not turn a blind eye to something. The situation "set me back" a little financially of course but as I said we donate regularly and know we put Wendell in the best hands in this city. Until he is rehabilitated fully and adopted, I know he will be treated like a dog king. We have two dogs of our own, Vespi and Lucy for whom we feel great about spoiling every day."


  1. So wonderful, thank you for helping this sweet doggy!

  2. I have 2 dogs and there a hand full love them like I love my kids.If I didnt know any better Id say they are my kids, Just softer and love to cuddle long after there in there teens. Got to love animals. its a must to love life and living.~!!

  3. Heartwarming people! :)

    Kats - yeah, I have teens all the way up to old grumpy men in my family and they all love to cuddle! Thankfully even the grumpy old men are of the small and furry kind...

  4. Thank you for getting this dog out of his horrible situation and saving his life.


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