Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tombola (raffle) Fundraiser for Animals!

EFA is sponsoring a Tombola (raffle) Fundraiser for Animals with To Happy Vegans The event will be on the 6th of February in Bath, England. EFA will be donating at least 30 prizes for the raffle, and we get to choose which charity will receive the funds raised! Please leave a comment on this blog entry by Jan. 10 with your charity suggestion and letting me know if you can donate an animal product free item(s).

I will send the address to those who can donate. Let's make this event a success for EFA, To Happy Vegans, and the animals!!!

From Mitsu To Happy Vegans: "The event is organised by VIVA! an organisation that campaigns for a vegan/vegetarian world. They are supported by celebs such as Paul Mccartney, Heather Mills and Chrissie Hyndes. This is their website.

Everything at the event must be vegan and it is a not-for-profit educational initiative organised by Viva! which is held every year. More information on the Roadshow is here.

Sasha and I started the website this year after both turning vegan at the same time. We wanted to share everything we have learned and make it easier for other people who are conisdering becoming vegan make the change. We have recipes, fashion, blogs, nutrition and all sorts of other information on the website. In addition to this we also make vegan cakes and are hoping to branch out further with this, everything we make is vegan and we use organic and fair trade ingredients.

In addition to our cakes, when we have stalls at vegan fayres and festivals such as the VIVA! one we also have a tombola (a raffle) [100% goes to a specific charity]. All the prizes are generously donated by vegan companies or other companies we feel share our ethics. The current procedure is quite lengthy and involves contacting every company individually as we come across them, so a sponsored tombola seems to make sense and will help save our time so we can concentrate on the million and one other things we have ideas for! This year we have managed to raise money for Marine Connection, VegFam, and HIPPO Charity.

This is our tombola from the last fayre we did.

We are both in full time employment and maintain our non profit website and prepare for all the vegan festivals in our spare time."

Please donate an item(s) to help and suggest an animal charity to benefit by leaving a comment below. Thanks, Michele


  1. I'm really excited about this! ;0)

  2. wonderful! thank you! I will convo all who can donate something, I'll be sending at least 5 jewelry pieces to help. Remember to leave your charity submissions here, I will randomize them on Jan. 10 :)

  3. i am def. interested

    i would like to nominate pigs peace
    in washington state
    they need all the donations they can get especially with having to close the sanctuary to the public while swine flu was rampant (to protect the piggies in case any humans had contact)

  4. I will be happy to donate 2 gift certificates, one of each of my etsy stores. :]

  5. I'd be happy to donate. Please convo me the address through Etsy. Thanks! :)

  6. Animal Charity wise I would suggest or similar public shelter system in a crowded city that isn't glamorous enough to typically receive donations.

  7. I'd like to donate some of my handmade notecards.
    I'd like to nominate the Beaufort Community Cat Project. They're an all-volunteer organization advocating non lethal methods to reduce the free-roaming cat population using Trap-Neuter-Return. You can learn more about my cause at

  8. I would love to donate one of my necklaces! Please contact me through
    with the mailing information(:

  9. Michele, I can donate my Bounding Bunnies, do I need to mail it off to them? If so I need an for charities, well a small reputable one is fine with me, there are so many that need much help these days. I like S*N*O, because they take in abondoned sled dogs and find them happy homes and have a sanctuary for dogs that won't be adopted for various reasons so they have a chance to live out their lives in a comfortable setting..

  10. I will be happy to donate a couple original watercolors and some ACEOs cards - originals and prints. Please convo me at my Etsy Store

    I would also donate some vintage/antique postcards from my other store if you would like some of them. if you would like.

    I nominate Cedarhill Animal Sanctuary in Caledonia, MS.

    They rescue lions, tigers, pigs, horses and other needy creatures.

  11. Wow! I am in!
    I will send ooak silver jewelry.
    Thanks for taking time to do this!

    I happily nominate
    Black Beauty Ranch rescue organization extraordinaire!
    donations via

  12. Hi, I would like to donate one of my animal beads, a cat or dog or maybe both. I'm happy to support any/all animal charities.


  13. I don't think I have time to make and mail a toy to get it there in time (if anybody thinks I'm wrong, please let me know), but how about three of my chicken knitting patterns in PDF form through email?

  14. I will be happy to donate one of my organic bodysuits.

  15. I'll donate to Michele - a baby hare and some cards.

    I like all the animal places above and I'd like to add Wesley's ex rescue the Rabbit and Guinea Pig Welfare in Rugby England which relies purely on donations.

    Thank you!

  16. Hi Michele!

    I would love to donate my acrylic chimp necklace and earring set.

    For my charity I am adding Fundacion MONA (MONA Foundation) in Girona, Spain and Cambridge, UK. They rescue chimps from makeshift zoos and the commercial business.

  17. I'd love to donate a print! I have a couple with girls holding animals.
    I love the Humane Society of the United States.

  18. i have some jewelry for donation. kindly provide me the address to send them to. thank you!!

  19. Wonderful, thank you so much everyone!!! ;0)
    EFA is so great!!! I will be emailing all of you the shipping address soon, and will randomize the charity on Jan. 10th and let you know! Thanks, Michele

  20. Oh i want to donate some silver pieces to this.
    who should I send the stuff to

    Id love to nominate my sanctuary.

    We are a small not for profit sanctuary that has grown over the past. We have 30 animals and just rescued a calf and soon to rescue another cow(3 years old). The 3 year old cow is infertile and was facing slaughter.
    My husband and I run the sanctuary ourselves. We both work full time jobs to maintain the sanctuary. We don't have any volunteers and most of our life's savings has gone into saving the Animals. We do have a small group of dedicated members who help us during the spring and fall for clean up work parties. We are desperate need of fencing because our 2 pigs are now fighting with the goats and the roosters are now fighting. We desperately need to create separate living spaces for them.
    Please consider a small sanctuary like for the Animals. Thank you

    for the Animals

  21. I would LOVE to donate an original painting.
    Please let me know the details where to send.
    You can send me an email through my etsy store.

    I would love to help the Friends of the Shleter in Eureka, MT.

    The shelter dogs are living in a building that has no heat and basically should be torn down. They are raising money for a new building now. Any help we could give them would be fantastic!

    Take a look here:

  22. hi there -- this is a wonderful event and i appawd you for all that you are doing! i would be happy to donate some items from my shoppes! as far as the charity i would like to see the proceeds go to -- i am happy with any charity that is chosen -- there are so many worthy charities and all in such need i am in support of any and all. take care now and i look forward to hearing from you.

  23. Hi Michele,

    I'll donate 5 of my hand embellished ACEOs. Please send me an address.

    I'd like to nominate:


  24. I could donate a $15 email-able gift certificate to

    I nominate The Elephant Sanctuary as a charity

  25. I would really love to donate an original painting or maybe a set of Kitty Cards♥

    The charity I have been working with is awesome:

  26. I'd be happy to donate!
    you can send the address here:

    I'd like to nominate Sasha Farm

  27. *If* I can make the deadline (when and where do the prizes need to be sent?) I'd be happy to donate a prize or two. :) You can reach me at my store:

    I'd like to nominate one of my all-time favorite animal advocacy groups, Compassion Over Killing in Washington D.C.

    and while I'm throwing out groups that do great work, I'd also like to mention Vegan Outreach:

    And if you're looking for a rescue group instead of an advocacy org, I highly recommend Carolina Pet Rescue
    because of the work they do for small and exotic animals such as mice, rats, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, sugar gliders, degus, ferrets and many other species of "pocket pets" who tend to be pushed as impulse items and end up tossed away in shelters, on the street, etc. People often forget that these, the most defenseless of animals, end up homeless. Shelters are rarely prepared to keep these animals properly, and certainly few are able to hold them until adoption. CPR takes in these animals, provides full vet care including prophylactic parasite treatment as well as major surgeries for tumors and the like, houses each animal in foster care homes that treat them as they would their own pets, carefully screens every potential adoptive home, and if the adoption fails for any reason, will take that pet back at any time in the animal's life. They find homes for an impressive number of animals, holding each animal in their care until they are adopted or until they pass on due to age or untreatable infirmity, providing home hospice care as needed.

    Anyway, thanks for organizing this!

  28. Hi there!! What a fantastic cause.
    You can find me at:

    I would love to donate one of these original linocut prints:

    (There is a limited edition of 10, number 3/10 is up on Etsy, I will of course be donating an original print of the same image with a different number)

    If I can nominate a charity, the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is doing some amazing work in Kenya rescuing abandoned baby elephants and rhinos and raising them to return to the wild:

    When and where do we need to send the donations, if we are chosen to participate?


  29. Hi,
    I'd be happy to donate an acrylic kitty hat.

    Miss Minoes

  30. Wonderful, everyone, I will be using an online randomizer to choose from these great charities, and will email everyone with the shipping address and charity chosen ;0) Thank you!!! :)

  31. I would be happy to donate something from my shop, perhaps a hemp necklace or bag of some sort. My email is and my blog is Just let me know who to send something to and what you would like.

  32. I can donate another little stuffed bean bag bunny. Just let me know what I need to do.

  33. Count me in, please let me know where to send the items. I'm looking forward to working with these, they seem like a fab couple!

  34. Hi there! I would LOVE to donate something! Please let me know where to send the goodies :) I hope it's not too late!

  35. Thank you all so much, Vegan World, is that you, Kim?

  36. Hi again!
    I have not gotten the address yet. Can anybody help me out? I have the item ready to mail for the raffle.

  37. Hi, emailed/convoed everyone now, thanks so so much ;0)


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