Sent by new EFA member; http://porcupinesnuggles.etsy.
The Wildlife Learning Foundation has partnered with the Los Angeles Unified School District for ten years, providing fun and educational life science lessons in their Ready, Set, Go! (before school) and Youth Development Program (YDP, after school) programs. We teach lessons crafted to meet the California State Science Standards utilizing our collection of rescued and zoo-born wildlife as silent instructors and living visual aids. Due to recent budget cuts, there is no longer funding for our outreach. However, we believe that our lessons are valuable to the students, inspiring interest in science and giving positive experiences with animals and nature.
On September 26th, we are hosting a benefit to raise money to continue our outreach programs at no cost to the schools. We will have animal encounters, tours, food, drinks, silent auction and raffle tables. Any and all are welcome to attend! For any questions, contact Christine http://PorcupineSnuggles.etsy.
Donations for the silent auction/raffle can be sent to:
Wildlife Learning Center
Attn: Christine Behringer
15981 Yarnell St., Suite 251
Sylmar, CA 91342
I'm so excited to help this wonderful program w/some goodies! :0) Michele