Sunday, July 06, 2008

AWBAR news

Amanda Smith of Abandoned Wild Baby Animal Rescue (AWBAR) is struggling with a severe outbreak of a virus that has decimated her beloved raccoons leaving them struggling to gain strength, and Amanda herself struggling to fund their medication and shelter costs. I know several members of EFA have items in their stores with 100% of these costs going to AWBAR including sharonfosterarts, midnightrabbits, silvercrystaljewelry, and a host of massively generous Etsy EFA members through the AWBAR shop itself. There is some high quality merchandise being offered to help AWBAR so if you need a special gift - check out Amanda's shop, you won't be disappointed. If you can't afford to senda donation or buy anything - do you have anything on AWBAR's wishlist?

Here is an update from Amanda about how this are with AWBAR at the moment :-

I was able to save 13 baby raccoons out of 27. I lost so many and my heart is still broken.. Everything that we have as far as blankets, toys, towels, bowls, etc had to be burnt to kill the virus. I am asking for everyone's help! As a result in the Parvo virus, I have spent $1300.00 in medication & vet bills to save these critters. Please help us restore AWBAR! If you would like to make a donation through pay pal, please us or if you would like to send items to our address:

Postal address :
Awbar, 426 West Street, Lockport, IL 60441.

I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to AWBAR, as well as your thoughts and prayers. All the raccoons are in recovery, they are very thin and getting a little stronger each day. So I will post pictures as soon as they gain a little bit more weight. I don't like seeing them this thin, although with a little tlc I will get them up and back on their feet!

Thanks again everyone for your support!

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