Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Thank you from Rolling Ranch to EFA

Those of us who donated to the Rolling Ranch Charity of the Month appeal will be totally thrilled to read this note from them thanking us for the donation. It's responses like this that make time crafting to raise funds, and time spent on EFA stuff as a volunteer, so worthwhile.

Steve Smith of Rolling Ranch writes :

Ellia, thank you so much for your fabulous donation for the animals! Alayne will be sending you a thank-you letter, but in the meantime please know how very grateful we are for your gift for these special animals at the ranch!

I don't know if you saw this already on our blog, but I wrote a post about two blind Poodle sisters we brought in from Texas a few weeks ago. They are so very sweet and adorable. It really is because of amazing supporters like you that we can say `yes' to girls like Molly and Priscilla.

Here's the link to the blog post about them:

Steve Smith
Rolling Dog Ranch Animal Sanctuary
Blind Horses
Blind Appaloosas

REMINDER :- Mishkat is now keeping a tally of all monthly donations AND donations you make to your own nominated charity if you would like to let us know. Convo her via her link at Etsy or here.

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