Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Shops that sell Miniature Sculptures

Directory of EFA members who sell miniature sculptures.


Susmitha of artbysusmitha from Bangalore, India creates beads, jewelry and miniature sculptures out of polymer clay. You can see a variety of teeny-tiny piggies and other animals in her store. She donates a minimum of 10% of her monthly sales to EFA's Charity Of The Month and occasionally sends items and donations to other animal charities.


Renovia and Dotty of Endless Whimsy create miniature feline sculptures out of polymer clay. They help animals by volunteering, donating etc.. "I volunteer at the Homeless Animal Rescue Team shelter for cats in Cumberland Maine by writing and sending out their thank you letters and I also give 10% of all my sales to that same charity".


Betty of LV's Twisted Whiskers Creations makes miniature sculptured animals using polymer clay and also needle felt critters. She presently donates to 4 charities, EFA's charity of the month, AWBAR, PRAR (Priest River animal rescue, and the Defenders of Wildlife. On her smaller items she donates 10%, 20% is donated on larger items. The percentage is noted on each of the listings that have EFA - AWBAR in the listing titles.


This category is maintained by EFA member Art by Susmitha.
To be added to this category, please convo artbysusmitha on etsy with the following information:

* Name and link to your store
* What do you create? What materials do you mainly use?
* How do you help animals? - volunteering, donating etc..
* What charity you donate to and how much? - percentage of sales, profits etc...
* A link to one item that you would like to have featured


  1. In case you're wondering why I particularly asked just for ONE sample item, it's 'coz I figured a slightly bigger picture would be good to catch the minute details in the sculpture :)

  2. LV's Beads n' Things Twisted Whiskers creations include miniatures made of polymer clay and needlefelt likenesses. A percentage of the sales of the miniatures are donated to the EFA charity of the month, AWBAR, our local PRAR, Defenders of Wildlife, and Newport Feed.

    Minatures can be found under our birds & critters tab.


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