Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Shops that Sell Recycled - Upcycled Items

Hi! My name is Sue. I run Tackyhandmade.

My favorite charity is the Town Cats of Ocean Ctiy Md. They run a no kill shelter for homeless and feral cats. Each and every month I donate 10% of my shops proceeds to Town Cats. I have personally visited this shelter and know the lady that unselfishly heads the activities of this shelter. Two of our dear cats were personally aided by Town Cats, so I am well aware of the benefits of their charity services.

From time to time, I will donate a percentage of a particular item's proceeds to an elephant sanctuary:
Presently, I have pledged to donate 50% of the proceeds of the "Safari Case" shown above.

I also run a fun vintage and supplies shop!

EFA has collected over $1000.00 for Town Cats when they were the "Charity of the Month" for Oct. 2007. This brought new funding to this shelter that they desperately needed to continue to help cats in a resort area known for cats that are not just lost but dropped off by vacationers when visiting the area.

So, it's with pride that I host the category "Recycled or Upcycled". If your shop fits into this category, please leave a convo me with the following information:

* Your name and the link to your store
* A brief description of what you sell in your shop
* How you donate to charity (percent of sales, percent of profits, certain items, etc.)
* What charity you donate to
* Or any other info you would like to provide.

Let me also add, that if you have not yet become a member of EFA, feel free to join us!!

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