Tuesday, August 12, 2014

An Update from The Whiskers' Syndicate

Anything Goes and
The Whiskers' Syndicate
Written by Josie of Whiscraft
Photos courtesy of TWS

Our Mission

The Whiskers' Syndicate is the first and only animal/cat rescue in Bandung, Indonesia. 

Since animal welfare does not yet exist here… our current mission is to introduce animal welfare and humane stray management by becoming a living example. We actively promote Trap - Neuter - Return in our community, and negotiate with community authority to allow us to practice TNR albeit without financial support. We understand that the majority of people just want the stray 'gone', regardless of the method, as long as their hand stays clean; and it has been one of the biggest challenges for us every single time. 

However, with continuous TNR as well as proper care of feral cats, we hope to show that properly managed ferals can coexist peacefully with humans. With good faith, we hope the mustard seed we sow will eventually lead to betterment of every animals' life.

An Update

It's still fresh in our mind, how we spent the whole of last December drowning under serial rainstorms. The place we called home for the past six months then, became a trap that could drown us underwater. 

A chance came, the day Team EFA named The Whiskers Syndicate: Charity Of The Month for December 2013 became a blessing we only dare dream about.

Together, Team EFA raised over USD 650 during that time period, and more since, supplementing other fundraising efforts for repairs. Some of the funds were used to buy large cages to contain our residents “mobsters” during construction work. 

The hammocks that came with the cages were and are well loved by the kittens !

When the rain finally stopped we started work immediately. We removed all the growth on the backyard and repaired the damaged roof of the cattery:

Then we started building on a hallway that connected the main house to the cattery at the other end, so that we didn't need to run under the rain. 

At first, we intended to leave the area on the left side as an outdoor garden, but rainstorm started again during renovation and we ended up with a lot of mud, so we decided we'd floor the entire backyard. The end result:

We apologize for the mess. It was the first sunny day after the restoration was done so it was kind of crazy :) 

If you think that the new sanctuary has a lot of concrete, we agree with you. As you can see in the picture, the cats are still sleeping on the floor, crumpled together, sharing whatever blankets and fabrics we had left after the storms.

We are planning to add shelves like these in the hallway. They are made of sturdy coated metal which will last longer than wood... 

The cost of one shelving unit, like this, is approximately USD $150. We could really use two but dont dare to hope that in August we might dream of such a possibility. 

We invite YOU to help and take part in the completion of our sanctuary. Team EFA members can choose to donate to any of the last 11 Charity Of the Months this last year. We sure would appreciate your assistance in making this dream come true.

These EFA members are already regular TWS sponsors: BrizelSupplies, TashinkaBeadingHeart, and ThimbleSparrow.

Every Dollars donated to our sanctuary during this event either directly through the Donate button below or through purchase from our Team EFA sponsors… which will be set aside for this shelving budget and every excess, if any, will be used to spay or neuter the cute hammock kitties who are now ready for spay or neutering.

Each and every one of our resident mobsters came from abusive situation and/or sheer neglect. We are reaching out to you on their behalf to give them a better life. Thank you for supporting our cause !

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1 comment:

  1. The Whiskers Syndicate does such outstanding work. I'm always impressed with how much they get done on so little. Every cat is as loved and cared for as if they are Josie's own. I got to know The Whiskers Syndicate through the EFA Charity of the Month program, but I know they'll be one I will personally be sending support to for years to come.


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