Thursday, July 31, 2014

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Don't Let Texas Prop Up Greyhound Racing

There's only one live greyhound racing track left in Texas, but it's doing so badly that it's looking to get subsidized with slot machines. If the proposal to do this gets approved, greyhounds will continue to to be exploited by this industry. 

Please sign the petition asking Governor Rick Perry not to subsidize greyhound racing by refusing to legalize slot machines in the state.

2. Tell the BLM Not to Send Our Wild Burros to Guatemala

In another disastrous plan from the Bureau of Land Management, it plans to ship 100 of our wild burros to Guatemala where they'll be used as working animals. Not only does this move fly in the face of federal laws that are intended to protect our wild horses and burros, but it will do nothing to help alleviate the problem the agency has already caused by rounding up and warehousing too many animals. 

Please send a letter to the BLM asking it withdraw this ridiculous plan.

3. Don't Let a Florida Developer Destroy Endangered Forest

A developer in Florida wants to demolish rare forest in the state to put up a Walmart and a strip mall. Wildlife officials and environmentalists have raised concerns that doing so could harm countless rare and endangered species who have less and less space to live. 

Please sign the petition asking Florida's wildlife officials to step in and shut this plan down.



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