Friday, July 18, 2014

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Tell Pennsylvania to Ban Barbaric Pigeon Shoots

Pennsylvania lawmakers are considering legislation that would bring live pigeon shoots to an end once and for all. Even though the majority of voters are opposed to it and alternatives are widely available, these events continue to draw so called hunters who enjoy maiming and killing birds for entertainment. 

Please sign the petition urging Pennsylvania lawmakers not to cave to pressure from a special interest group that wants to see these sickening events continue.

2. Tell Cable Companies Not to Air Show Featuring Teen Hunter

A 19-year-old cheerleader from Texas sparked widespread outrage after posting pictures of herself over the slain bodies of the endangered animals she killed. Facebook has since removed the photos, but she still wants her own show. 

Please sign the petition asking cable networks not to air shows that glorify the senseless slaughter of wildlife, including rare and endangered species.

3. Help Keep Florida Manatees Protected

The Fish and Wildlife Service is being sued to downgrade manatees from endangered to threatened, but their advocates believe the future is too uncertain to weaken protection for them. They've already seen record losses over recent years and face potential threats that range from climate change, habitat loss and pollution to diseases, harassment, collisions with boaters and a host of environmental problems, including red tide, algal blooms and cold weather. 

Please sign the petition asking the FWS to keep manatees protected as endangered species.



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