Thursday, April 17, 2014

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Protect Horses From Cruel Training Practice

Congress is being applauded for moving forward with legislation that would protect gaited horses from the cruel practice of soring that's used to get them to produce an unnaturally high step known as the "Big Lick." 

Unfortunately, the current law to end soring and penalties to stop abusers haven't been tough enough and supporters of the industry are fighting to keep laws weak. 

Please sign and share the petition urging your representative to support the PAST Act, which will help end this practice for good.

2. Help Save Kenai Brown Bears Before It's Too Late

Conservationists are worried that excessive hunting could push a rare and isolated population of bears on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula to the brink if it continues. The forecast for this season doesn't bode well with 1,600 permits out, and 700 still available, for an estimated 600 bears. Now bear advocates are urging the state to close Kenai National Wildlife Refuge for hunting before this population is irreparably harmed. 

Please send a letter to the manager of the wildlife refuge asking that hunting be stopped to protect bears.

3. Help Protect Pets and Children From Abuse

Lawmakers in illinois are considering legislation that will increase penalties for abusing animals in front of a child. Not only is animal abuse of any kind unacceptable, but hurting innocent creatures in front of children can cause serious trauma and emotional issues for them. 

Please send a letter to Illinois lawmakers asking them to increase penalties for those whose abuse harms animals and children. 



1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Alicia! Your column here always highlights such important issues and makes it easy to do something about them. There's always something I haven't seen before. Thanks for sharing!


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