Friday, March 21, 2014

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Tell Nevada to Protect Virginia Range's Wild Horses

Last summer Nevada passed a bill that would facilitate a partnership between the Nevada Department of Agriculture and equine advocacy groups to manage the wild horses of the Virginia Range. This fall wild horse advocacy groups submitted a management plan to the state, but the NDA has continued to delay its implementation, while it continues to unnecessarily remove horses from the range. 

Please send a letter asking Nevada's governor to implement the plan, which wild horse advocates will be a win for both horses and the state. 

2. Tell Congress Big Cats Aren't Pets

Big cat advocates have been working to get the Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act passed this year, which will fix the patchwork of state laws by creating a federal ban on private ownership and breeding of big cats in the U.S. Not only do big cats pose a threat to public safety in the wrong hands, but private ownership has has raised serious concerns about their psychological and physical welfare.

Please sign the petition urging your representative to support and co-sponsor this important piece of legislation to protect big cats. 

3. Help Stop Laval University's Deadly Pig Lab

Animal advocates are urging Laval University to stop using live piglets in its pediatric residency program. After being used unnecessarily to teach students how to perform invasive procedures, the piglets are then killed and their bodies are further mutilated. The university could easily switch to non-animal alternatives, thanks to In light of advances in technology and the availability of human simulators that don't cause harm to any living being. 

Please send a letter to Laval University Rector Denis Brière, Ph.D., asking that the use of live piglets be ended immediately. 


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