Thursday, March 06, 2014

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Demand Justice for Researcher's Dog Who Was Maliciously Poisoned

Nyxo was a dog who belonged to a researcher who was studying the harmful effects of a toxic rat poison commonly used in d-CON. Sadly Nyxo was intentionally poisoned with the poison by someone who is believed to have done so to intimidate his owner because their research had demonstrated how this poison hurts wildlife. 

Please send a letter to California's Attorney General asking that whoever is responsible for this heinous act is brought to justice.

2. Help Get Protection for Emperor Penguins

Emperor penguins are the most ice-dependent species of penguin, but the loss of ice in the Arctic is making it threatening their future survival. 

Now, the Fish and Wildlife Service is considering listing them under the Endangered Species Act, which will help them by ensuring they are not harassed or killed, in addition to limiting human activities that could impact their environment.

3. Don't Let Hunters and Trappers Take Over Public Lands

The Senate is currently considering a bill that would make it a year-round open season for hunters and trappers on public lands, which will further threaten wildlife and put people and their pets who use public lands for recreation in constant danger. Among other serious issues, it will also allow for the import of polar bear trophies and stop the EPA from regulating lead ammunition.  

Please sign the petition urging senators to oppose this dangerous bill.


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