Thursday, February 27, 2014

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by ALicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Tell California to Ban Wildlife Killing Contests

The California Fish and Game Commission voted unanimously this month to consider a statewide ban on wildlife killing contests after hearing testimony from representatives of Project Coyote. It's clear that these contests are not about wildlife management or even hunting, but about glorifying the senseless killing of wild animals for fun and personal gain and they need to be stopped. 

Please sign this petition urging officials to put an end to this culture of violence by ensuring these types of contests never take place in California again. 

2. Help Protect Yellowstone's Bison

Hundreds' of Yellowstone's iconic bison are in danger of being slaughtered thanks to old rules that allow for the capture and slaughter of those who wander outside of the park's boundaries. Animal advocates are opposing these rules and asking officials to protect bison who live in the area. 

Please send a letter to Montana's governor and the agencies involved to tell them to stop the slaughter. 

3. Oppose Cruel Trapping of Beavers in New Jersey

The New Jersey Assembly is considering a bill that threatens beavers and other wildlife by removing a limit on the issuance of beaver trapping permits. 200 permits can already be issued annually and each permit allows for the killing of five beavers, but state legislators  have proposed to allow an unlimited number of beavers to be killed without giving an explanation or providing any justification for the move. 

Please send a letter to New Jersey's lawmakers telling them to oppose this senseless and cruel bill. 


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