Thursday, January 23, 2014

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help Keep Horse Slaughter Out of the U.S. Forever

Last Friday President Obama signed a budget measure that forbids the USDA from using federal funds to inspect horse meat, in addition to blocking companies for paying for their own inspections – effectively banning horse slaughter in the U.S. However, the ban is only good for duration of the bill and America's horses will still be headed across the border for slaughter in Canada and Mexico.

Please sign the petition urging your representative to co-sponsor the SAFE Act, which will permanently ban horse slaughter in the U.S. and ensure that horses are not shipped across the border to be killed.

2. Help Stop Breed Discrimination in Oregon

A potential breed ban in Medford, Ore., has divided residents and ignited debate about whether banning pit bulls will do anything to improve safety in their community. Pit bull advocates have stepped up to urge the City Council not to unfairly target a breed based solely on looks. 

Please sign and share the petition urging the City Council to focus on irresponsible owners and adopt alternative measures, such as public education about dog behavior and bite prevention.

3. Urge Indonesia to Protect Orangutans and the Leuser Ecosystem

For orangutans, efforts to protect the Leuser Ecosystem could be their only hope for survival. Their population continues to dwindle as they continue to face threats from deforestation, habitat fragmentation, the pet trade and being killed as pests. Now the government is considering a proposal that would allow further development of habitat that is critical to their future, and the future survival of other endangered species including rhinos, tigers and elephants. 

Please sign the petition urging the governor of Aceh to support World Heritage Status for the Leuser Ecosystem, which will help conserve biodiversity and protect local communities.


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