Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Introducing November's COTM: Wild Baby Rescue Center

November's COTM is…. 
Wild Baby Rescue Center

nominated by Rebecca of MsBekkahsCorner
Text & Photos courtesy of WBRC

ABOUT Wild Baby Rescue Center

What We Do: Wild Baby Rescue Center, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to the preservation of native wildlife through education, rehabilitation and release.

Why: Because humans and their activities are often responsible, directly or indirectly, for the injuries suffered by wildlife, we believe that we have a responsibility to assist in healing those injuries. Wild Baby Rescue Center provides a means for caring people to give injured and orphaned wildlife a second chance to live out their natural, wild lives.

Type of Care: Injured and orphaned animals are provided special diets appropriate for their species, age and condition. Medical and supportive care is also provided. During their convalescence, care is taken to avoid dependence on the care-givers so that our wild patients remain truly wild and have a better chance of survival once they are released. All patients are appropriately housed until they are fully recovered and ready to return to the wild. Some of our patients are featured in our Wild Tails newsletter.

The Center Itself: Having called Cranford home for several years the Center has expanded its facilities and moved to Blairstown, New Jersey. Wild Baby Rescue Center receives and cares for animals all year long. The Center is run by an experienced wildlife rehabilitator, licensed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Fish and Wildlife. Everybody at Wild Baby Rescue is a non-paid volunteer.

A Licensed Rehabilitator: Well before becoming the Executive Director of Wild Baby Rescue (1999) Hope Kosch-Davison established herself as a knowledgeable caregiver. Hope is a Registered Nurse and licensed E.M.T. She holds an Associate's degree in Biology from Union County College. Over the span of fifteen years she worked as a Registered Nurse for the Elizabeth General Medical Center and the Urological Group of Union County.

In 2000, at the completion of a year-long apprenticeship in wildlife rehabilitation, Hope became a licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator for Raccoon, Squirrel, Groundhog, Opossum, Flying Squirrels, Chipmunk, and Eastern Cottontails. With subsequent apprenticeships for bats and skunk and then fox, fawn and coyote Hope's NJ state permit allows her to care for a variety of orphaned and injured wildlife.

Hope has declared one of the Center's goals to be "strive to make improvements in the care of our wild patients each year". As the Executive Director she stays abreast of developments in the rehabilitation field as an active participant in conferences and workshops. Hope has represented the Center as a guest speaker for a variety of groups including an outreach program at Montclair State College, an ACO course at Kean College, the Cranford Boy Scouts, and Scotch Plains gifted and talented classes.

Hope is a member of the Garden State Wildlife Rehabilitators Cooperative, and has been a member of the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association (NWRA), and the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council (IWRC) since 1999.

Wild Baby Rescue is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Our Charity ID is 223-119-510/000.

Each of our wildlife patients requires a specialized diet. Injured wildlife often need veterinary care and medication. Food and medical care account for our biggest expenses by far. A donation to Wild Baby Rescue will help cover these important costs. 100% of every donation goes towards animal care. Relying on the kindness of volunteers, we do not employ a staff.

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  1. An excellent choice, Rebecca! Sounds like a terrific group of folks who are helping out in a lot of little lives :o)

  2. What a wonderful organization! :)


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